Thursday, January 22, 2009

5 Years Ago Today

I married my Best Friend Cathy. We were married in the Redwood City Courthouse weeks before the Scott Petersen Trial started (so we avoided the whole media circus) at that same Courthouse. Liv was 8 years old I believe and was part of the ceremony; she wanted to carry her stuffed cat instead of flowers. It was cute. Our reception was at Fresh Choice and we spent our Wedding Night at Chuck E Cheese (figured treat Liv a bit since the whole day was about us). It was actually nice because while Liv was playing the games and such, Cat and I sat in the booth relaxing after a hectic day. I love you Cathy even more as the years go by. Here's to many more.


supergoober said...

Happy Belated Anniversary bro! Hope the both of you had a great day!

Steve T. said...

Thanks SG. We had a good day. You and Your Wife are going on what 6 years or so now?

supergoober said...

Damn Steve, its been a while! I need a rant bro!