Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Evil Aliens from Mexico

I'm so glad that the Fed is suing Arizona over their new Gestapo law.  In a word, the law is unconstitutional.  That's right.  That wonderful piece of paper that the Repugs and Tea Baggers love to want to quote line by line has this ammendment in it called the 4th Ammendment that gives everyone in this Country protection from unlawful search and seizure.   The Arizona law would basically give cops permission to seize and search anyone that remotely looks mexican.   There are laws against discrimination, but this law would circumvent those laws.  Who's next?  Jews?  Asians?  I understand that illegal immigration is a big problem, but there are already laws on the books that aren't getting enforced as it is.  I will tell you the best solution to illegal immigration.

Go after the businesses doing the hiring.

Real simple right?  Families aren't leaving their home Country in droves, risking life and limb crossing the desert on the faint hope that there might be a job for them.  No.  They are coming here because someone has told them there are jobs waiting for them.  The Corporations are hiring illegals so they can keep their costs down and maximize profit.   Somebody is hiring the Coyotes and someone is bribing the Border Patrol to look the other way.  The problem with this solution is the Republicans.  Yep.  They don't want to be Anti-Corporation so they won't go after the real problem.  Nope, they'd rather turn Arizona into a Police State and encourage legalized discrimination and racial profiling.   Since I have brown skin and black hair, guess I won't be going to Arizona anytime soon. 

What about the drug trafficing.

Well let's see, if there wasn't a demand, there wouldn't be the supply.  It's very simple, stop using the damn drugs.  Morons.  Better yet, legalize Marijuana, and take away the money stream for the cartels and they won't be able to sell it in your State.  Even better, have the National Guard attached to the DEA and have them spend their time looking for drug smugglers and not unarmed families who were paid for to be brought to our Country to work.

B-bbbbbb-ut they're taking our jobs...

Bullshit.  No American I know is willing to work picking crops for 2 bucks an hour.  No American I know is willing to work in a factory for 4 bucks an hour.  They aren't taking shit.

But hey, let's get rid of all the Mexicans shall we.   Not a good idea.  Here's why:

The price of produce will go through the roof.  If you have Americans picking the crops they will either A. Unionize.  This means it will cost the employer 30 an hour per employee.  Where does that increased cost go to?  That's right, you and me.  B. Not unionize but demand higher pay and benefits.

The Foster system will be slammed with thousands of children.  That's right, according to our Constitution, anyone born in this Country, regardless of your parents country of origin, is considered a Citizen.  So all the children born to illegal parents are citizens and you can't deport a citizen without real good cause.  Another reason the Arizona law is unconstititional, it seeks to deny citizenship to the children of illegal parents born in this Country.

Gotta love how the Repugs embrace the Constitution when it serves them but want to throw it away when it gets in the way of their agendas.

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