Monday, July 19, 2010

Why I think the new Hawaii Five-0 will be good.

I think it will be good because they really don't have to "re-imagine" it.  It was a cop show based in Hawaii.  It will still be a cop showed based in Hawaii.  Nothing new there.  Too bad Jack Lord died years ago; it would have been great to see him show up a time or two in an episode.  Usually I don't like re-makes.  For the following reasons:

They ususally suck.  Nothing captures the essences of the original, even if it sucked.  There are rare occassions when a re-make out does the original, John Carpenter's "The Thing" was far superior than the original, but usually then end up either being so far off of the original that they should have just called it something else and renamed characters (Battlestar Galactica) or tried to be just like the original but failed horribly (I hear the new Nightmare on Elm Street was like this).

This remake though, looks to be another good Cop show in a sea of cop shows...yeah I know way too many, but I like them more than Medical shows myself.  

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