Friday, October 06, 2006

These Kids today!!!

Yeah I know....never thought I'd say that....actually it should be these kids and their parents. As some of you may know, I particpate in a sport/hobby called Airsoft. We run around on private property, old army bases, etc out of public view, dressed up in military BDU's and shooting each other with plastic bb's from realistic looking guns. Now you have to be 18 to purchase one, and technically the same age to use one. Not the case. Welcome to the age of parents who "just buy little Johnny what he wants" without realizing the consequences of their actions. I live in the City of Mt. Juliet and the other night 20 teen boys (DUMBASSES) were gathered on someone elses propety without their permission in plain view of the public playing with airsoft pistols. The cops were called and got out of their cars, guns drawn because the call they were responding to was "Gang activity". It was all over the evening news and the morning news with the Chief of Police saying that the guns needed to be marked in some way to differentiate them from the real thing. Might as well play freaking paintball!!!! This pisses me off.....these dumbass parents bought these stupid kids these guns and didn't supervise them at all!!!! It is well known in the area that there is a field to play airsoft on, a 30 acre, in the middle of nowhere, out of public view, private piece of land that won't cause trouble. Makes me wish the cops would have shot a couple of the kids.......I call this Darwin in action.....

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