Monday, February 12, 2007

Words or The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.

So last night on the Grammy Awards the "Dixie Chicks" won a crapload of awards.  Now if you remember correctly, 4 years ago these three Ladies were branded "terrorists", "communists", "traitors" etc all because of one member's political opinions.  Apparently after 9/11 it was deemed "traitorous" to speak ill of the Commander in Chief.  Hmmmm....I thought the First Amendment gave us the right to do that without persecution.  Now all Natalie Maines said was this: "We are embarrassed that the President is from Texas."  Now why she felt the need to say this before a song during their concert I don't know.  There is a time and place for Political Agendas, a concert shouldn't be one of them.  But, oh well.  What was so harsh about what she said?  Hell, I'm embarrassed he's my President.  Should people be making Death threats against me????  The problem with her statement, according to a vocal minority, is that she said it on Foreign Soil and just before we invaded Iraq the second time around.  Apparently it's "bad form" to speak ill of the CIC on Foreign Soil.  Huh??????  This lead to a huge backlash as Country Music fans everywhere were burning their CD's and they were being blackballed because of on stupid statement.  People wanted their heads; literally and figuratively.  Heck a co-worker today was making a comment about it and I looked at him and said "What did they do that was so bad?"  He mentioned "what they said about the troops" and they rank right up there with Hanoi Jane Fonda.  Not likely.  I went to wikipedia to see if they indeed said something about the troops.  They didn't.  Natalie Maine did say something about questioning the need to be Patriotic.  I am patriotic, because I love the Country I was born in; the US, but I always thought Patriotism was taken way too far after 9/11.  All of a sudden people are flying flags and sticking "United We Stand" stickers on their cars, etc.  It became trendy and cool to be Patriotic.  Someone was getting rich off of selling plastic flags and stickers manufactured in China and Mexico while Americans were becoming more paranoid and the Government was taking away more of your Civil Liberties in the name of "National Security" by adopting a "locking the barn door after the horse gets out" attitude.   I did find it very hypocritical to say the least.  There have been a number of 9/11 related movies out.  I've refused to see any of them because I don't think someone, anyone should get rich off of that tragedy.  I have come to the conclusion that Natalie Maine is a loud mouth with "little Chick" syndrome.  She reminds me of that girl that you are dating that gets you into fights at bars because she can't keep her mouth shut.  She loves to stir the crap and does it well.  I do find it amusing that they thought their fans would understand.  These are Country Music fans girls....Hello!!!!  Most true Country Fans come from the South, are Right Wing Conservative Christians and love W.  These are the same people that love Nascar too.  Nascar, where if you aren't from the South you are treated like you have two heads.....  These girls should have known too that in Country Music, if you aren't Texas or the South you are treated like the red headed step-child (just as Dwight Yokum....he's from Bakersfield, CA...).  If you are from those areas of the Country, you are expected to act a certain way. Looks like the Grammy's gave the finger to all the doubters last night.  These girls though should take a hint though.  Unless you are doing some kind of Political Cause concert (Farm Aid, etc) or you are singing at a fund raiser for a candidate, leave your Politics at the door, or put it in a least if it's in a song, then you are expected to voice that opinion.   On that note I will leave you with some food for thought.
"People should not be afraid of their Government.  Government should be afraid of their people."
(quote from "V: for Vendetta")
"Those that would trade liberty for a bit of security deserve neither."
Ben Franklin

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