Sunday, February 25, 2007

The World We Live in

So we've all heard, ad nauseum, about Anna Nicole Smith. A human being died as a result of a tragic life. That's all the respect I will give. That's all the respect she deserves. NOT 24/7 reports of the "MacBethian" tragedy her life was. What we as human beings can derive from this circus is that we are a greedy, vile lot who often times care naught but for ourselves. Now on to JetBlue. A company that like most corporations is concerned with making a profit. But unlike most corporations who screw up, got down on their corporate hands and knees and begged the Country's forgiveness. They addressed a huge issue, resolved it in a quick fashion, then did the honorable thing and said "We screwed up and we are sorry. You deserve better for the money you pay us." WOW!!!! What's funny is the media should be covering this story 24/7, lauding the efforts of JetBlue.....but they don't. Who cares about that. "We" want to hear about the stripper/playmate who married an Old Oil Tycoon with one foot in the grave and where she's to be buried. Who cares!!!

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