Thursday, October 04, 2007

New TV Season Review

Heroes Heroes Heroes.....I can write a whole blog on this...oh wait, I have...let's just say that this new season is starting off well.  What I like about the writing in this show is they don't leave mysteries hanging too long.  They answer just enough questions to move the story along but still leave you asking more.  That's good writing.  By the way, Hollywood, can we please for the love of God in Heaven above stop with the freaking "reimaging" of old shows and movies.  Stop it now.  If you think the idea is good, do a sequel or continuation of the story.....don't go back and hit "reset" and start again.  Battlestar Galactica was like this.  The only season I saw of it was the last one (3rd) and frankly it sucked.  I don't understand this need to re-do old stuff.  We have a new Bionic Woman...I haven't even bothered to turn it on.  I don't care if it's the best show on TV I simply will not watch it.  Get another idea guys...there are a crapload of writers out there with ideas....stop the rehashing.  I watched the first episode of the show following Heroes called Journeyman.  It was meh......could have done it as a mini-series or a movie because the premise of it can really be wrapped up without having to run a whole season of hour long shows.  The guy has this mysterious lapses where he ends up back and forth in time.  He runs into his Ex-Girlfriend who he still loves in the past, and she seems to be a traveler too.....but we don't know how or why he travels, he just does.  He runs into folks that he ends up helping.  Quantum Leap did it better.  A time experiment went screwy and he keeps leaping into other people's bodies in time and fixing things.  Works.  Purpose, method, solution.  Journeyman is kind of blah.  Wasn't even interested in the 2nd episode or any others.  Just don't care about the character or why this is happening to him.  Blame the writers.  I'm also getting upset with all these series set in San Francisco that do nothing to depict the real San Francisco.  Journeyman and Monk do this.  There are only a few areas in San Francisco that have little suburban like neighborhoods with manicured lawns, and white picket fences.  To live in one of these areas you need to be disgustingly wealthy.  The people portrayed in these series that live in these houses wouldn't be able to afford living in these houses.  My Grandmother's 2 Bedroom w/bonus room downstairs off the garage 1 bath house sold for 850,000 about 2-3 years ago.  It didn't have the manicured lawn in the was a typical San Francisco house.  All stacked side by side with no side yards.  Two story because of lack of space (garage below the house).  It has a decent size back yard but that's it.  Oh yea, and Cable Cars only run on two lines in only one area of the City, not on EVERY SINGLE FREAKING STREET!!!!!!!  The only show that got SF right was Midnight Caller.  The Pursuit of Happyness got it right as well.  When he went to Chinatown to drop his son off, that was Chinatown.  I'm sure Law and Order get's New York wrong too.  If you are going to base it in a City, portray the City correctly...please.  Cane is good so far.  It's like a Cuban Sopranos that's rated PG-13.  I like Jimmy Smits acting and Hector Alezando (probably got that wrong) is awesome too.  Oh and it's great to see Rita Moreno on TV again.  It's good stuff.  Have the 2nd episode taped but haven't watched it yet.  Chuck is just lame.  Moonlight has the worst acting I've seen on TV in a long time.  They have basically remade Angel but not it that cool, cheesy Joss Whedon style.  Now I was never into Buffy or Angel, but I do respect Joss' writing and directing (loved Serenity but haven't caught an episode of Firefly yet).  Reaper is fun, but I didn't watch the second episode because I was taping the Unit because I knew we would be out and not able to watch it.  Still loving Damages.  Intense show and it looks to be wrapping up soon.  The new Numbers was good as well as Criminal Minds (just really bummed that Mandy "hello my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father..." Patinikin left the show.).  Out of all the new shows being offered, I'm sticking with two.  That's bad.  ABC ran Cavemen and Carpoolers the other night; didn't even bother.  I mean c'mon.  The Geico Caveman commercials are good for a chuckle, but that's 30 seconds worth of material.  They are seriously expecting that to be funny for 22 minutes????  Carpoolers looked even dumber.  A sitcom who's main setting is a car, in traffic, during morning rush hour.  There's nothing funny about sitting in a car during the morning commute...anywhere. 

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