Monday, October 29, 2007

The SuperBowl of Airsoft Events

It's been a bit, sorry still recovering from last weekend. I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in a Nationwide event up at Fort Knox in Kentucky called Operation: Irene V. What a freakin' blast that was!!! The event was held at the Zussman MOUT facility (for those unaware, MOUT stands for Military Operations Urban Terrain) and what a facility it is. It's a full size City with real buildings rigged with pyrotechnics and loud speakers for affect. My group was invited to be part of the Staff. Staff means you don't get paid, but you don't have to pay to get into the event (about 200 bucks....). Staff got to participate as Insurgents and Local Police and Local Militia. I was one of the Insurgent leaders.....which means I had a target on my back all day long. The teams are divided up into Charlie, wearing Desert Camo and being led by Col. Danny McKnight, ret (yes that Danny McKnight, he who was in the 1993 Mogadishu Operation depicted in the movie Black Hawk Down) against Delta, wearing Woodland Camo and being led by MSG Mad Max Mullen, ret a man who served in Korea and who used to train the Airborne Rangers. The experience was awesome with 400 folks playing. Too much fun. Edit: I've added a link to a gallery of pictures from the event. Some great shots. Click on the Blog title to go there and have a look.

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