Thursday, July 03, 2008

4th of July in Tennessee

When I first moved out here I was shocked that you could basically get all the fireworks that were considered "illegal" back home.   Back home the way to get firecrackers, cherry bombs and bottle rockets was to know that "guy" in the neighborhood that knew someone in Chinatown.  Alot of folks in San Francisco's Chinatown have firecrackers, etc because they contribute it to being used in cultural rituals.  If you've ever been to a Chinese New Year Parade you will know what I mean.  Out here we bought some fireworks for Liv one year and we were given two items free.  One of those was a pack of firecrackers.  I just kind of stared at them thinking that we could never use these "openly" back home and yet here I was in my driveway lighting them and throwing them towards the street.  You can also buy these boxes that look like cardboard mortar launchers that launch a mini-fireworks show worth of air bursters.  Last year my Step-Son had one that was a mortar launcher and you set the shell in it and lit the fuse (just like when I used to help hand fire professional shows put on by my buddy Steele).

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