Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Obama Haters are too funny.......

The way I look at it, don't vote for the man if you don't like his stance on issues or if you feel he isn't experienced or not, but don't vote for him because of the following reasons:
His middle name is Hussein.....he must be a Muslim.
He doesn't wear a flag pin on his lapel.....he hates America.
He isn't a citizen because he won't show his birth certificate.
He's a socialist.
He will raise taxes on everything because he's a Democrat.
I could go on, but the rhetoric gets old quick.  If you go to the man's website, you will see that he wants to implement programs that will get people off of Welfare and into jobs and make it Mandatory.   Bootstrap programs they are called.  You go on welfare, but the whole time you are on it you have to go to job training classes and get yourself some training so that when you are done you can go get a job.  If you don't want to take the classes, then you get no Welfare.   His Father was a Muslim but he was raised by his Christian Grandparents.   So the fact that I don't wear a flag lapel pin does that mean I hate America too?  Why does the man have to show his birth certificate.  If he wasn't a verified citizen, he never would have been allowed to run for a Senate Seat.   As for taxes, the man wants to take away the tax breaks for anyone making over 250K a year and give those breaks to the Middle know the people who keep the rich richer by buying their company's products........maybe if the average consumer had a tax break he'd have more money and therefore be able to spend more thus stimulating the economy.........he also realizes a gas tax holiday is a disastrous idea.   Why you say?  Think about it.  The gas tax goes to the State DOT to pay for road improvements/repairs, etc.  It helps with infrastructure.  The rest goes to profit for the Oil Companies.    Now if you take away money going to the State's coffers during the months when people generally buy the most gas then you will effectively bankrupt your State.  If you think gas prices will go down because of no tax you have another thing coming.  They will remain the same, and all we will be doing is giving even more profit to the oil companies.   Drilling for more oil in this Country will do no good either.   The majority of the oil we drill is sent to the Middle East for processing.  The increase in production will be negligible.   What Obama wants to do is take away the tax breaks from the Oil Companies and encourage them to switch to alternate fuel sources. 
Now if that sounds Socialist to be it.  It sounds like a good start to me.

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