Wednesday, October 22, 2008

1. Apply Stick to Dead Horse 2. Repeat

Ah yes, this elections GOP point they love to pound into the ground.  Socialism.  Yep, just keep beating that dead horse boys and girls.  Socialism.  Barack Obama is a "Secret Mooslim" and wants to destroy us with Socialism.  Because he wants to give Billionaire Corporations a 3% tax increase and lower taxes for the Middle Class.  Yep, Socialism.  Honestly I'm a supporter of one lump tax; say 5% of your yearly income whatever that may be.  Or, to be completely fair, no income tax but a high sales tax...say 15%.  This way your gross income that looks real good before it gets the crap taxed out of it will be your net if you make 4K a month (average gross income) you get to keep that money and you won't mind so much paying 15% sales tax on something.  And, I'm not talking taxing food  Groceries, meat, veggies....we're talking fresh stuff here, not canned or processed or pre-packaged.....should not be taxed.   Food is a necessity; we eat or we die, it's that simple.  These two options I believe would be a completely Fair Tax.   In the meantime, I will take a tax break so I can get my financial situation so that I'm not living paycheck to paycheck (like half the Country or more...).  Bush and Company believed that if you are nice to the Big Corps it encourages them to re-invest in our Country.   On paper that looks good....okay, Hell that doesn't even sound good on paper.  It's laughable.   Again I will tell you a Corporations driving force: Profit.  Enough profit to pay dividends to Preferred Stockholders and still have enough left for the CEO, CFO and all of the Board of Directors to purchase yet another Yacht or another Summer Home.  Meanwhile they, who could afford to pay taxes, get tax breaks.  Huh???  That's right, those who never have to worry about not paying one bill this month so they can buy groceries get to pay less in taxes.  Is that fair?  Oh, and of course they lobby the crap out of Congress and the Senate to pass new tax laws that give them the ability to have these breaks.  I have a co-worker who's opinion is that taxing the Corporations more is wrong because it's their investments that drive our economy.   I have to say she's mistaken on that.  This is a Capitalistic Society, and our economy is driven by You and Me and our ability to buy shit.  Simple.  Just look around.  Movie Theaters are wastelands, restaurants the same.  Places that sell "entertainment", like the aforementioned theaters and restaurants, are closing up.  Tourist destinations are recording less Americans visiting and more folks from the European Union Countries....gee perhaps it's because the Euro makes the Dollar look liked a beaten dog.....even State Parks are recording lower numbers of folks going camping...unless they live nearby.  All these places are suffering because You and I don't have the extra cash left over each month to spend.   See, WE drive the economy.   Retail establishments are saying that they are most likely not going to hire Christmas help this year because they don't expect a huge rush.   Think Rich Folks having more money to invest in Wall Street is going to fix that???  NO.  They will invest it in Oil and Foreign markets.   Oh yeah, and let's just see how much those Corporations care about the US Economy......look at the label in your clothes, on the food you buy, Hell most of the crap we buy......does that label say "Made in the USA"?  I highly doubt it.  I bet it says "Made in China" or "Hecho en Mexico" or "Made in Vietnam".  Yep, for every label that doesn't say "Made in the USA" that equates to shitloads of lost American jobs....but hey, Failin's hot so let's vote for her........or McCain is a POW and a real 'merkin because he's....well he's white.......yeah that's it.   What truly galls me is that I hear shitloads of people say Obama will turn us into a Socialist Country.  I have news for you, we already are.  Take this fabulous 700 billion dollar bailout for instance.  Right now, the US Government basically has become Majority Owner of craploads of Banks.  That's right, Nationally run banks...which is what you find in Socialist Countries.  Oh wait, not that's not taxes on hugely wealthy folks is because they are special.....and if you work hard Joe the Plumber and Edna the Lunch Lady and Cathy the Real Estate Agent and Lola the Single Mom who works retail...that's right if you work hard and pay more taxes than you really can truly afford to then you will become wealthy and special too.   Look folks, not everyone gets to be an Astronaut okay.  We need ditch diggers, and there are those who are happy to be ditch diggers.  Nothing wrong with that, it's hard work but productive and necessary.  All Dan Ditchdigger wants is to be able to afford a house for his family with access to good schools and a good neighborhood.  He wants to be able to afford to take his family to the Doctor when they get sick without having to take out a second mortgage to pay the bill.  He wants to be able to put food on the table, but give "the cook" a night off once in awhile and treat the family to a meal out.  So if voting for Obama makes me a Socialist and a Hater of America, so be it.  It's better than backing a senile Old man who thinks we need to keep spending 10 billion dollars a day sitting in a desert far far away playing target for nutjobs because we need a "victory".  Um, I thought Shrub said "mission accomplished" and isn't Saddam Hussein rotting in a grave now?   What exactly would you call that but a freaking Victory.   It's okay, because on 1/20/09 when President Barack Obama takes that oath of office I will try to not grin in your faces and say "who hates America now asshole??".  When you are enjoying having money to save and some extra to spend on nice that Plasma TV....all because you have more of your paycheck each month because of Middle Class tax breaks, I will try hard not to point at you and say "how you liking this Socialism we're having?".  Or when you can afford to take your family to the doctor and they find that cancerous lump on you early and they are able to operate and get it out of you before it can spread because you were able to go to the Doctor more than just "when you are sick" and you end up being Cancer free for a good long while, I will try not to be too much of an Asshole when I say "Isn't that better than that 5K one time check McLame was going to give you???  How's that Socialism working out for you now?"  Or when the CEO of some huge Corporation cries because the extra 3% tax he has to pay won't let him buy yet another Ferrari (bbbbb but I wanted an even dozen....) I'll try hard not to laugh.   Or when all those Corporations are still happily in business and making profit even though they are paying an extra 3% I will really try hard not to say "Told ya so.....".  

1 comment:

supergoober said...

Damn dude! 3 posts in one day! Awesome.