Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can you hear the record skipping???

Note: I have removed the ads from by Blog. I hope you are reading this Google.....running ads about "Obama's Half-Brother in Kenya" really pisses me off. It's some BS Russian paper and ads like that are precisely what I rant about in this Blog. No more ad space for you. Not yours.

Now to our regularly scheduled Blog. I can't wait for November 4th to get here. I'm so tired of the Repulican Record skipping over and over again. It's the proverbial broken record. The tune goes something like this: Marxist, Socialist, Spread the Wealth, More taxes, more spending, give aways to the poor, small businesses going under (really? Honestly they think this is the truth? If you are a small business and you NET not GROSS but NET over 250,000 a year, then you need to Incorporate or become an LLC because you are no longer a Small Business. Also you need a better accoutant...just saying...) oh and this is the best one I've read today..."a half hour infomercial is kinda creepy.....", The ONE, The Messiah........I can go on, but why. The GOP is doing a fine job of that themselves thank you very much.

I love how the GOP plants/spammers/bots are putting down Obama for his half-hour infomercial last night. You are the assholes saying "we don't know anything about your sekrit mooslim messiah...." so when he puts an all about his background program on TV all you can say is "kinda creepy"???? Really??? Let's face it, you will never vote for a Democrat, no matter who he/she is. Stop coming up with excuses. Just say it and be honest. Or better yet, why not come out and say "I won't vote for a black man" because that's really the reason isn't it? C'mon, be an honest bigot......

Enough already!!! Jeebus Crist STFU!!! Look, you know how you're voting and I know how I'm voting and if at this juncture you are still and "undecided" well then you are just stupid. Seriously stupid.

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