Monday, June 29, 2009

Good News and a bunch of Sad News.

The good news is that Bernie Madoff is going to be in prison for 150 years. It may be Club Fed, but it's still prison. Also his petty Wife who claims that 90 mil of their holdings was hers has basically had everything sold out from underneath her and left with a "measly" 2.5 million. Poor wittle baby....I guess you're going to have to learn to live off of 2.5 mil. Sorry bitch.

Now for the bad news. We've had some great entertainers die recently and our arts are surely lacking for their loss. First off there was Ed "Yes!!" McMahan. He put the Yes into Yes Man. He was the worlds most famous SideKick. Poor Farrah lost he battle with cancer and has gone off to a better place now. I remember the famous Farrah poster well...I should, I had one hanging on the wall next to my bed as a Teen boy. Little did Mom realize it was legal Porn for us teen boys. Then we lost Michael Jackson. Say what you will, and I've said my share believe me, before he turned into a White Transvestite he was a talented Man. Something along the way snapped and that Man never reemerged. Today I read that we lost a amazing salesman in Billy "Oxiclean" Mays. WTF????? I've been watching his show "Pitchmen" with fellow salesguy Anthony Sullivan lately and it's a great show. Wow!!! We also lost David Carridine earlier so that's more I know how they say they die in 3's. RIP will be missed.

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