Monday, June 01, 2009

How Not to be a Mom

I should know better than to check out the "Mommy Files" blog on SF Gate. I've written about Amy Graff before and how she is essentially clueless. She is a wealthy white woman who's husband makes a great living so she has time to get paid to blog and write articles. She has a daughter named Paris....that should be a sign right there, and a son. Apparently she has coddled and sheltered her Precious little Snowflakes to the point of them being afraid of their own shadows. This is the lady who on advice from a friend stopped her family from using shampoo because your hair's natural oils keep it clean........oh and because baby shampoo can give your kids I said before, if that was the case, every single person on this planet born in the 60's on would have cancer.....dumbass!! These people think because they have given birth, they are instant experts on child rearing. Her latest post asks the questions "Were your kids as scared of Pixar's Up as mine were?" WTF???? Apparently there are some big dog characters in the movie who go chasing after a bird. Well since her snowflakes got pushed down by a big dog a few weeks ago it's now the most traumatic thing EVER!!!!! These kids, 6 and 4 are so afraid of these computer generated, cartoony dogs that they cower under Mommies skirts to the point she has to leave the theater. Holy crap Lady!!! Do you not know that you have to help your children get over their fears? She admits she didn't research the movie ahead of time but seems to blame Pixar for making a child inappropriate movie.'s for Kids and I believe it's rated G!!!! Tell you what Lady, just plop your kids down in front of swirling colored lights okay.....that shouldn't be too scary. Or have them watch Veggie Tales...oh wait, that might scare them because they are talking, Christian vegetables......talking Veggies can be traumatic. It sounds like I'm being a bit harsh but this Lady really pisses me off. Why you ask? Because she is supposedly some kind of "expert" and gives advice on a Moms Blog that poor, lost Mother's go to for expert advice. This Lady has more money than sense and seems to want some kind of award for giving birth. Read her blog if only for the laugh it will give will laugh as you read her "advice" because you won't believe some of the crap she says. I bet she carries an industrial sized bottle of Purell in her purse. Just saying.

Update: Hee hee...apparently I'm not the only person who thinks her kids are coddled, wimps.....the comments to her latest blog post are full of people telling her what a moron she is or what wimpy kids she has. You'd think this Lady would have gotten a clue that it's a Pixar movie rated PG...that should tell you right there not for 4 and 6 year olds......


Anonymous said...

You suck and need to get a life...seriously. You're a blogger yourself. You should know how much someone really knows you just by reading your posts. If I were to judge you from your blog, I'd say you are an insecure, hateful and clueless human being - get a life and stop worrying about others. Amy is an amazing mother and journalist - and you're just lame.

Anonymous said...

I really wouldn't be so quick to judge Amy Graff. How do you know 1. How to be a mom (clearly, you are not) and 2. all about her, taking liberties to assume all the things about her socio-economic background and what not. And your comment about her daughters name, Pu-lease!

Until you are in someone else's shoes (and a mom no less who is just looking out for her children) I really think it's inappropriate to judge so harshly.

Steve T. said...

Seems I struck a chord. I love when Anonymous people leave comments. I may not be a Mother, but if you read my "about me" section you will see that I'm a Father of 3 and a Grandfather of 2. I have a life, thanks. It's a good one too. My kids are Independent, smart and stand up to their fears. My Grandkids the same. Well at least the 5 year old, the other one's only 9 months old right now. You can judge me from my Blog all you want. I'm only hateful to those that deserve it. Insecure? How's that? Clueless? Really? As to assuming about her socio-economic background and everything about her, I'm only basing that opinion on what she writes about herself. I've read several of her posts and I can conclude from them the following: (caveat to this: again, if you've read the about me section you will know that I'm a SF Bay Area native who lived there for 40 years.) She grew up in Los Gatos, a very upscale area of Silicon Valley. I know this because my Cousin is the Assistant coach at the High School there and I have several friends who grew up there. So she comes from upper middle class to upper class. Her husband seems to be a workaholic because he never seems to be around to help with the kids. At least that's how Amy makes it sound in most of her posts. Nowhere does she post about trying to help her kids overcome their fear of things. No she just empowers those fears by making them run away from them. She also left an 11 year old child alone in a movie theater while she did this. "Amazing Mother" my left toe. Anyone that has seen the advertisements for the movie knows there are dogs in it. It's actually a feature of the ads. So Amy is the clueless one, not me. She prides herself on being a great Mom but yet she always seems to want to "escape" from her kids. Then get a sitter and go to a spa. Don't just pop into a theater and pay to see the first "animated" movie that you see. As for the comment on her daughter's name. Hey every kid named Paris I've run across is a spoiled brat. As one of you pointed out, I'm a blogger myself. These are my opinions and I'm entitled to them. Hell opinions seem to be taken for "news" nowadays so I'm with the curve.