Thursday, May 21, 2009

Promised an entry yesterday...

Sorry about that.  Forgot it was my day off.  Anyway, this is my usual rant about inconsiderate/moronic parents.  I've been running into a lot of these people lately and it makes me wonder who is training these people how to parent?  The first couple I will rant about are in my Daughter's Karate class.  They have two small boys, the oldest looks about 8 and the youngest is about 5.  The kids are members of the Studio too, but apparently take class at a different time than Mom and Dad.  They bring these two kids to their class because they are apparently too damn cheap to get a sitter; yet they can pay for Karate class for 4 people.....these two kids are going to do what two young boys will do when told to sit in one place...fidget.  Fidget, be loud, be distracting to the point where one of the instructors in the class is always having to go tell them to knock it off.  Every once in awhile Mom and or Dad will say something.  Let's just say, I'm not a big fan of these people.  For starters, they aren't the friendliest people around.  The woman has a permanent scowl on her face and she has that stern librarian look.  She's not an ugly woman, but her aura would make any man run away.  Dad is the stereotype of a Yuppy.  Short, skinny, pale, red hair and never a smile on his face either.  She looks like she'd be at home in a corset, high heel leather boots and carrying a whip.  He looks like he'd be at home in a full body leather suit.  Hey, they just give off that vibe.  They also give off SNOB.....they act like they are better than everyone else.  Thus the lack of babysitter.  They're little snowflakes are so precious and shouldn't have to be babysat.   I'm not the only one it pisses off either.  I can see several of the parents sitting watching their kids giving this couple the hairy eyeball.  Even some of the younger kids in the class get upset.  It's quite distracting.  I personally think the studio should have a separate area with videos and video games to keep the munchkins busy, but hey it's not my studio and really it's up to these parents to be considerate.  The other night, Cat and I got some time to ourselves and went to see the new X-Men move....freaking awesome BTW but I walks this young 20-something couple with a baby!?!?!?  C'mon you dumbasses....seriously???  I will say, however, this kid didn't make a peep the whole time.  But, usually they do, and you can't expect an infant to handle sitting through a 2 hour movie.  Look, when you have kids, you give shit up.  Rent the damn thing.  It will be on DVD soon enough.   Another type that gets me is she of the over fertile loins.  You know, the woman that thinks her uterus is a clown car......let's see how many we can push out of there.....   This world is over crowded as it is, and we don't need you having 6 freaking kids.  Saw this one woman in Kroger......6 kids all ranging in age from 10 ish to newborn.  She didn't look a day over 35-40.   WTF lady?  I think, personally, three is plenty.   Hell, one or two is ideal.   Do you not consider the following things before you choose not to get your tubes tied, his tube snipped, or use some form of contraception:  A. The cost of raising that many people.  Yes it's cheaper to live in Tennessee than it is to live in say the Bay Area, but still.  Raising kids costs money....lots of it.  B. With that many kids, the quality of attention and education Mom/Dad gives them decreases.  Seriously, think about it.  I have two Grandkids.  I have to work at giving them equal attention.  The boy is 5 and the girl is 8 months old.   I manage, but I think about having 6 of them.  Holy Crap that's just nuts.  C. The drain on your body and the strain it puts on your marriage.   I love my Daughter, but I'm glad when it's just Cat and I.  The other two are grown and live on their own, and we will miss Liv when she goes off to college but we will be glad for the lack of teenage girl drama in our home.   The other moronic parents I wish to rant about are the one's that just don't give a shit.  You know the ones.  They come into a store with their kids and the kids run rampant.  They go to the toy aisle, take every single toy off the shelf and play with it (they of course forget to put them back, they even take them out of the boxes, etc).   Mom (it's usually just Mom) doesn't care.  They are out of her hair so she can shop so what if they destroy the store and ruin the inventory.  See entitled pain in the ass lady...this is why stores have to raise their prices so much; because of your dumbass.   Our laptop is being repaired and lately Cat and I resort to the local library for our computer use.   Lately we have seen the mom that doesn't give a shit in there.  A lot!!!  I seriously think it's time for population control in this country.  2-3 kids max, mandatory parenting classes, and I get to legally beat the shit out of you if you annoy me with your Precious little snowflakes.  

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