Tuesday, June 09, 2009

How does this happen?


Another moronic parent has killed their infant child by "forgetting" them in their car. How the Hell does this happen? It's a freaking child Asshat, not a cellphone or your lunch. According to the article over 40+ kids have died from a parent forgetting they were in the car. I see the crap my oldest Daughter has to bring with her when she brings the kids over to visit. Diaper bag, the 5 year old's cars and toys, the baby's toys, etc. She is very aware her children are in the car with her. It's unexcusable. The article gives some tips on how not to forget your kid's in the car. What???? Here's a tip asshole; YOUR KID IS IN THE FREAKING CAR....YOU KNOW A LIVING HUMAN BEING THAT YOU PHYSICALLY PUT IN A CAR SEAT IN YOUR CAR AND BUCKLED IN!!! If you can't remember that, then your children need to be taken away and you need to be sterilized. This dumbass normally takes his kid to daycare before going to the BART station to catch a train to work. Apparently this one time he forgets!?!?!?!? The article quotes some "expert" who says "One little deviation from your daily routine can be just enough of a distraction that you forget the child." Bullshit! With the price of Daycare the way it is, you are going to remember to haul your kid there. Here's a little hint folks; just because you can make children doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Update: Saturday we had GrandDaughter duty. She's 9 moths old. The Wife and I were acutely aware of her being strapped into her car seat in our back seat. Even when she was sleeping we'd check on her. So I still don't have any clue other than Munchausen Syndrome how this could happen.

1 comment:

Leaded Coffee said...

I will personally donate the $.50 bullet to put into this bastard's head.