Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Town Hall Riots????

It seems that the latest GOP/Special Interest tactic to stop Congress from doing anything about Health Care Reform is to send out small groups of Jackasses to Congressional Town Hall meetings and have these folks start acting like assholes. It's been in the news lately, how these Town Hall Meetings have turned into the Jerry Springer show with a handful of these fraktards yelling and screaming and generally carrying on to try and intimidate the Congressman into not voting for the Reform bill. That's right folks, the Insurance Companies don't want health care reform because then they can't take your money each year and not give you anything for it anymore. No, they'd actually have to do something for you. Why are people so afraid of a National Health Care system? Why? The reason we need one is to introduce a bit of competition into the free market. Health Insurance Companies all offer the same thing for the same price basically. There's very little difference in premiums. Therefore, no competition. They're in it together. Free Market my ass. For almost a decade now, the Free Market has shelved any form of ethics in favor of making more profit at whatever cost. Look at the current banking and housing situation. Banks and Mortgage companies got so damn greedy that they were talking the average person into getting a loan that was the most riskiest piece of crap yet. But they would talk a great game, nearly "guaranteeing" the property would double in value then you could re-fi to a better mortgage. Now, a smart person, or a thinking person would say that was a crock. You cannot guarantee the value of anything doubling. The market fluctuates so much that all one could do is predict. Now the banks are stuck with worthless properties because of their greed. Health care is the same. The insurance companies have basically increased their rates in favor of giving you any actual benefit for that money. In most cases, for the cheapest monthly rate you can find (usually just shy of 300 bucks a month for a family) you have to incur a huge amount of out of pocket debt before the insurance even kicks in. So you pay 300 bucks a month for the benefit of paying your doctor out of your own pocket the same price you'd pay him if you didn't have insurance. Seriously? But hey, it's the "free market" after all....Government shouldn't be involved. Yeah that's like saying the Police shouldn't bust pedohiles or rapists. After all it's a "free market" right? By basically allowing these institutions to do what they are doing, we the people are allowing them to rape us; molest us. The Government doesn't want to seize control of every aspect of your life, they just want to do the will of the people. We the people want to be able to afford monthly health care premiums without having to not buy groceries that month. We want our insurance that we pay for to actually give us some benefit for the money. I want to be able to pay an affordable monthly rate and have a plan that lets me see my Doctor whenever I need to and only pay a small co-pay for that office visit. Say 30 bucks. Is that asking for alot? No it's not. But the insurance companies aren't going to change their ways. They make money off of our bad health. It's sad but true. What is wrong with paying a little more taxes in order to fund a Government sponsored program that will force the Insurance Companies to compete or die? Everyone will agree that we need to fix our system yet the majority of these people aren't willing to fork out a little extra cash to do so. Hypocrites I say.

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