Monday, November 02, 2009

The GOP's new motto.....

"When in Danger or in Doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!"
I have removed Adsense from this blog until the current Senatorial and Congressional elections are over....I will not allow any Political Party (even one I approve of) to advertise on my space.  Sorry, ain't happening.  Especially now that the Repubs are going apeshit trying to fill up the House and Senate with more assholes who don't give a crap about you and I.  Here's the Republican plan for Health Care Reform: 1. Don't get sick. 2. If you get sick, then die.  Until the Republicans actually start being a part of the solution and stop being a part of the problem, I will continue to do what I can to keep them from gaining any ground whatsoever.  So here's another hearty "Fuck You" to the Republicans.  Kiss my ass bitches and deal with the fact that any candidate you trot out for President in 2012 will be just as useless as McCain.  Run Palin...please......please please......the Democratic Party can find enough shit to bury her with in a 5 minute Google search.


Kerrie Jones said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and had to comment on your post, here- I, too, live in a Red State (Alabama) and it can be hard! Palin worshipers are everywhere here so I don't know if I want to her run- I am just sick of looking at her face! Good job- got a chuckle out of me.

Steve T. said...

Thanks for the comment Kerrie....but if she runs, she will further alienate the Republican Base and will give President Obama an easy win. She has her worshipers, but they are not numerous enough to solidify the you may know she's the reason McCain lost by so much when at one point he was ahead in the polls.