Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Movie, Book and TV Recommendations

Since our 15 year old Daughter decided to go Trick or Treating this year (hey why the Hell's free candy!) the Wife and I decided to rent some movies and kick back at home relaxing.  We rented Halloween Favorite "Hocus Pocus".  It's a great, goofy movie and I discovered that the part of Thackery Binks, the boy from Colonial times who gets turned into a cat, was played by none other than Sean Murray...for you who are fans of NCIS, that's the actor that plays McGee.  Highly recommend it as well as "Nightmare Before Christmas".  You should also check out "Coraline".  It's a Tim Burton directed stop moton animation movie of a Children's story that Neil Gaiman wrote for his Daughter.  Creepy fun for all ages.   I rented "Donnie Darko" for myself.  Love this movie.  I had seen it before and had to see it again because it's one of those movies that requires multiple watchings to "get it".   Trippy movie about a teen with borderlin multiple personality disorder who can travel through time.  His nemesis is a 6 foot evil rabbit named Frank.   Told you it was weird.  Next up is an odd little straight to DVD movie we saw called "The Maiden Heist".  It stars Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken and Willam H Macy.  That cast right there made the Wife and I want to check it out.   It's about 3 Security Guards in a New York museum who each becomes obssessed with a particular piece of art.  They've been working there for 30+ years and they find themselves every day staring at their particular piece of art.  Two paintings and a sculpture.  Along comes this new Avant Garde Curator who wants to change the entire Museum from a classical one to a Modern Art showcase.  A Gallery in Copenhagen has agreed to buy all the pieces in the Museum.  This apalls the 3 gents and they plot to steal their particular piece of art in order to save it.  I won't tell you more as the details would ruin the movie.  It was a funny film, even the Daughter loved it. 

As for books, if you haven't already read it yet, pick up a copy of the two books that have become to be known as the "first action novels ever".  I'm talking about "The Odyssey" and "The Illiad" by some guy named Homer.... ;)  not Simpson, just some Greek guy.  Next on the list is "Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road" by Neil Peart.   It's a tale of finding oneself on a long distance Motorcycle journey from Canada, Across the US and down to Costa Rica and back.  Neil Peart, the Drummer from Rock Band "Rush" had two personal tragedies befall him in the space of 10 months.  His wife of 20+ years had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Their only child, a 19 year old Daughter, died in a solo spin out crash after hitting some ice and then a few months later his Wife succumbed to her cancer.   These events would leave anyone a ruin.  He decided to set out on a journey to lose himself and hopefully find himself again along the way.  The man writes great lyrics and I'm dying to read this book. 

For TV Shows let me recommend "White Collar" on USA.  It's a story of an FBI Agent who is the only one to catch a slick, con man/forger who then gets him released to his custody in the hopes of using the crook to catch crooks just like him.  The chemistry between the main characters is great and makes the show fun to watch. 

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