Monday, November 02, 2009

Tennessee: Year Five

It's that time again; time for my annual update post about how my living in a Red State is working out.  Cathy and I will have been married a total of 6 years this January 2010, and we are still getting along just perfectly.  It's great being married to someone who is your friend, and I highly recommend that for every couple that is considering marriage.  If you aren't friends with that person then it makes the whole relationship a bit more challenging I think.  But enough philosophy for now, on to the update.
My oldest Step-Daughter Amanda is married now to a great guy named Drew.  He's a great Step-Dad to my Grandson Jaylin and he's a great Daddy to my 1 year old Granddaughter Haley.  Kevin, my Step-Son, is doing good too.  He's still plugging away in college and wants to attend a good Art School where he can learn sculpture (metal) and other things.  Livee, my youngest Step-Daughter, just turned 15 and I think I'm getting more and more grey hair.  Ah, Teenagers. 
No, the pond is still not done....I know it looked like we were going to get to it this year, but apparently this is the year of the Great Flood or something.  It has rained off and on all year long.  It's been nuts!  Of course finances aren't the greatest right now, just like everyone out there, and that is a big hindering factor.   It's also hard to find an electrician to come out and do minor residential jobs.  Most of them don't want to bother.  Cath and Drew and Amanda finished painting the dining room and primered the kitchen.  Hey all that horrible wallpaper is gone.  We are also starting to put aside cash to get the floors done.  We keep vacillating between laminate or just getting new carpet.   No one wants carpet in their houses anymore and it's become quite cheap to buy it and get in installed.  I believe Lowes and Home Depot both charge 39 bucks labor to carpet a whole house.  We like laminate/hardwood but have recently had discussions about not staying in that house forever but possibly moving out in a few years.  Look, the house was built in 1973 and it's age is starting to show.  It's a great starter house, but we're done with it.  The kitchen is small, and there is honestly no room to expand it without having to do some major remodeling of a large portion of the house.   We thought about moving the kitchen into the dining room but there's another huge cost....having to re-route water lines and electrical isn't cheap.  It would just be easier to let the value increase on this house for a few years then sell it and put that down on a newer one.  There are lots of new homes in the area and they will be well broken in by the time we are ready to sell ours (and besides Cath is a Realtor so she can probably find us a great deal). 
The Scion is paid for.  It's great to not have a car payment...okay to not have two car payments; we are still paying on Cath's Ford Focus....and it's also great to have a car that is paid for and only has 80K miles on it and still runs great.  We have another addition to the family...this one will probably be the last and will stay around for awhile.  No it's not a human child but another cat.  Milinky is her name.  Livee found her at school and brought her home.  She is quite a funny little cat but not the most graceful feline in the world.  Her and Diva Kitty Panther get along just fine.  Lot's of wrestling and chasing going on.  Keeps Panther young anyway.  Still have the same job, and no I'm not changing it for awhile.  We are doing just fine and a lot of the Pres' Stimulus money is going our way because of who our clients are. 
That's the report for this year, not much more to report.  Stay tuned for other developments in months to come.

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