Friday, October 30, 2009

They just aren't even trying anymore are they?

Not sure if you've noticed, but the price of gas is going up again.   What's the excuse this time?  We haven't had any hurricanes in the Gulf in awhile, no pipelines have exploded, it's not summer, so what's the excuse?  The excuse is the Dollar isn't doing well against other currencies.  Um...Oil Company Guys I've got news for you, the Dollar hasn't been doing good against other currencies for a long time now.  Do these guys even try to come up with legitimate excuses anymore?  Seriously, what the Hell.  The Dollar hasn't been doing well since the European Union formed and we went to war with Iraq.   The Euro has been kicking the Dollars pathetic ass since it was first minted.  Not sure how the dollar being weak against other currencies has anything to do with the price of gas.   Last week gas was 30 cents a gallon cheaper and the economic status of the Country and the value of the Dollar were the same as they are right now.   Why don't you Oil Company bastards just come out and tell us the real reason: we are being punished for buying more economical cars.  Plain and simple.  The Oil Companies aren't making their record profits lately because more and more SUV owners are getting rid of those gas guzzling pieces of crap and buying more fuel efficient cars, and the President is wanting to make it standard that all cars get 30+ miles to the gallon.  That will put a cramp in their style now won't it.  So to the Oil Companies I say "F**k You!!".   Here's hoping you go the way of the Dinosaur real soon.

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