Friday, April 06, 2007

The FAA Makes a Smart Decision

Finally the FAA has admitted that cell phones have no affect on the instruments in the cockpit.   We all knew that.  If radio waves affected airplane instrumentation, planes would have been dropping from the sky a long time ago.  The broadcast from radio, tv, satellite, and cell towers puts out so much radio activity that the sky is covered with it.  They finally admitted that the reason they don't want you to use your cell phone is because it is rude.  Yep, rude.   I applaud them for this.  One of the things I despise the most is people in restaurants, church, theaters, etc yakking away on their damn phones.  Yeah they are great devices (I have one).   When I stop by the grocery on my way home, I call Cat and ask if there is anything else she thinks we need.  Handy.  I don't walk around the store shopping and yakking at the same time, and I certainly don't continue yakking while making my purchase (another thing I hate).  People have lost all sense of manners lately.  In the past 7 years I'd say folks have forgot that there are other people in the world other than themselves.   Here's a good example.  BTW, this person should win the award for "worst mother of the year".  This young mother walks into Cracker Barrel with her two toddlers.  She looks barely 20 and the kids both look like they are 4 and 5 years old.  This chick has been yakking on her cell phone since she walked into the restaurant.  She parks her kids, points to the menu and indicates (not once stopping her conversation mind you) to the kids to pick what they want to eat, stands up, walks away from her children to tell one of the waitresses something (still talking on her cell mind you).  She is gone 5 minutes tops, now realize she has left two toddlers at a table by themselves (and they wonder why kids get snatched), comes back (still yakking on the phone), pauses long enough to order (the person is still on the phone with her) then goes back to yakking.  Meanwhile her kids are being ignored by her (something tells me this goes on alot with this bimbo) and they are bored so the start poking at each other, etc.  One gets up and wanders around, she ignores this and keeps yakking.  Finally her food comes and she rounds up the wanderer (still on the phone......) and they begin to eat.  Mind you even though she is now shoving food into her gob she is STILL YAKKING ON HER DAMN PHONE!!!!  Remember when you were kids and your friends called at dinner time?  What happened?  I know in my house the caller was told "we are eating dinner right now, he will call you when he is done."  I did that last night with my child's friend.  I told her Liv was sitting down to eat and would call when she was done.  Now I know why places like O'Charley's and Red Robin make their background noises keeps the buzz of conversation going at a level loud enough to not be annoying, but loud enough to discourage any cell phone yakkers.  Then there are the texters.   What is so freaking important to say that you are willing to pay 10 bucks for a movie so you can ignore it and punch a text message into a cell phone????  I have thrown objects at cell phone offenders in theaters before.  Then there are the loud talkers.  You know these guys.  The encounter goes something like this: "WHAT!! OH YEAH SHE SAID....."  "I KNOW...HOLY SHIT..." Uh, Dude, I got my kid with me and frankly I don't want to hear about your girlfriend or what she said.  These people get into their own little freaking worlds and forget the simple fact of life: The universe doesn't revolve around you; no matter how much you think it does.  What gets me too is when you look at them with "THE LOOK" (you know the look that says "hey bonehead do you mind?") they give you the facial equivalent of the middle finger.   Like I'm in the wrong????  I read a comment to an article where someone said that a loud yakker had the audacity to tell the person "Do you mind not listening to my conversation.  Why don't you move and give me some privacy.".....the person moved (now that pisses me off) because they were so stunned at someone's rudeness that they didn't know what to do.   Oh....I dare someone to do that to me.  I will start talking loudly, getting into their face, and generally ruin their conversation to the point they will either go somewhere else, or give me a good reason to snatch the phone from their hands and hang up their call.   My point is, can you imagine what it would be like trapped in coach on a cross country flight with the loud yakker, the constant yakker, or the texter???  Can you????  God I think the Air Marshall would have to drag me off of someone as I was stuffing their phone down their throat.  Thank you FAA, thank you. 

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