Monday, April 09, 2007

Zero Tolerance

This is a comment from the Discourser to my FAA post

The Discourser said...
Let the hatred flow through you! You are so angry! I love it... "

He's right.....and I thank him for the comment. Yes I do get angry, thus my handle of "The Ranter". I've always had zero tolerance for stupidity. Common sense is something that you are taught in school and something you aquire from the world around you; yet there are loads of folks who refuse to or are too lazy to use their God-given common sense. Darwin was half right, we have encoded in our DNA primitive urges from our early prehistoric ancestors. Fight of've heard that term before. When confronted with danger human beings either become aggressive (fight) or passive (flight) and we react accordingly. We either meet danger head on, or run the Hell away. We've all experienced this, but honestly can you remember ever being taught how to react to danger? Possibly your parents told you to fear strangers when you were a child, but as you get older your attitude towards strangers changes. So where does the Fight or Flight come from? We are born with it, just like cats somehow know what a litter box is and what to do with it. Honestly, I've never had to train any of the cats I've owned to use a litter box. They just know. So there are all these things encoded into our psyche at the genetic level, but we often ignore them. This is what I mean by stupidity. When you were growing up, you were taught manners (I'm hoping you were...if not by your parents, then Grandparents, Sunday School Teacher, regular School Teacher, whomever), yet there are still adults out there who have no common courtesy for the other people in the world around them. Sometimes these people are just downright rude, other times they are too nice and end up holding up the works. Good examples of both. Rude people: At the Hollywood Video store there are several cashiers and usually one long line with folks going to whicheve cashier is open from the single cue. Now inevitably there is one to two groups of folks who will ignore the line and start their own, or just walk up to the first open cashier they see. They know the line is there, they choose to be ignorant of it's existence and therefore they cut in line. Here in Tennessee, folks are very nice and let idiots like this get away with it; not me. Someone tried that once and I basically told them "Excuse me, see this big line here behind me, you need to be in it. Preferably at the back of it." I was shot a look, but the persons moved. See...stupidity, I have zero tolerance for that. Or when you pull up to a parking space and you have your blinker on and are waiting for someone to come out. Inevitably someone scoots out of nowhere and jumps into the space, "oblivious" to your prescence. Sure they are. I usually tell these assholes off. They get indignant, and yes I don't get the parking spot, but it made me feel vindicated to inform Mr/Mrs Head up their ass that the reason they are alive is because it is simply illegal to kill them. Now for an example of too nice. Too nice, what's wrong with that? Plenty. There are certain times of the day and certain places where being too nice causes more problems with the people around you than it helps. Case in point. Traffic lights and signs are setup the way they are based on Civil Engineering Traffic Studies. Traffic flows heavier in one direction than it does others. The point of traffic signage, etc is to alleviate backups. Now, if every single driver drove like he/she was supposed to, these traffic flow models would work perfectly. Yeah right! There is one large intersection that crosses over Interstate 24. It's the exit I take off of the Interstate to go home. There are two turn lanes going left, and one going right. Most people go left. Alot of Semis go left as well.....there is a huge truck stop near one of the traffic lights down the way. Now there is a driveway that empties onto the main road (the one you are on when you turn left). This driveway has a stop sign and people coming out of the driveway are supposed to wait on the cross traffic. The cross traffic is very heavy (like I said most drivers turn left) and needs to flow smoothly through so the intersections will not become blocked. Well, along comes some "good intentioned" soul who stops to let some semi out of the parking lot (said semi has a stop sign and does not have the right of way). This "nice" person by their actions ends up backing up traffic all the way down to the Interstate. Oh yeah, and there are the idiots who think that just because the light is green they have to go through it...even if that means blocking the intersection. So this one "good intention" has done the following: Stopped the flow of traffic. Made people miss the traffic light cycle not once but twice. Cause other morons to block the intersections causing other backups on other feeder roads coming into this main road. The semi of course can't make it all the way across because traffic coming the other direction has had their lights cycle green so now we have the "good samaritan" plus a dozen or more cars behind them blocking intersections and missing traffic light cycles. The semi has blocke both forward lanes because it is a Ginormous Semi. The person was trying to be courteous, I will give them that, but they were stupid in the fact that they didn't stop to think what time of day it is (rush hour), they didn't stop to look in their rear view mirror to realize there is a line of cars behind them, didn't stop to think of the fact that instead of going on a gree light (which was their green light) they stopped to be courteous to a Semi (Semi drivers around Tennessee are the hugest assholes I've ever met). The operative word here is "think". They didn't use their common sense that if they had listened to it would have told them "Hey, this semi is never going to make it, you have a green light, they have a stop sign. There are a billion people behind you all in a big hurry to get home from 8 hours of Hell stuck in a cubicle somewhere so maybe you shouldn't stop in the middle of the road to let some asshole trucker through so he could block the road and cause road rage." Someone with common sense would have driven through the green light and not impeded the forward flow of traffic. Near my house they changed the roadway around a bit because of the strip mall they built. Where you used to be able to make a left turn into the Cracker Barrel parking lot, now you cannot. There is a huge sign that says "No Left Turn". There is a large "Do Not Enter" sign where the roadway in used to be. Inevitably there is an idiot that thinks the law doesn't apply to them and holds up traffic trying to make an illegal left turn. Now there is room on the right hand side of this idiot to go around. Do you think the average Middle Tennessee driver goes around? Do you think they honk their horn at the offender to try and get them to go straight? Hell no!!! These idiots sit in line behind this schmuck waiting!!!! One day Cat and I were driving up somewhere and got stuck behind one of these schmucks....we were blowing the horn and I was yelling "hey dork...see the big sign that says no left turn....". The person in front of us (not the dork but some other moron) got pissed at us. We sped around them all and I gave them a drive by universal finger gesture. I only wish I had an AK47 with a full mag. People don't want to make waves out here. Bullshit.....I like to cause tsunami's. I want to make a bunch of invitations that read "You are cordially invited to please remove yourself from the gene pool." and give them to these idiots. Lord save me from the terminally stupid.

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