Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Porcine Mexican Zombies

Bet that got your attention.... So apparently the paranoia of Post 9/11 America still exists (I should know better with all the "Obama's gonna take yer guns" talk I hear all the time) in the fact that people are freaking out over the dreaded SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!! ZOMGBBQ!!! Yep that's right, the EVIL Mexican Zombies are pouring across our borders to infect us with Pig Flu..... because they have such high standards of health care and their Government is sooooo functional that 150 people died in Mexico City alone. This ain't Mexico City folks. The CDC issued the alert but said to "not worry" and to wash your hands and use Purell if you think you've been around someone who has flu-like symptons. In other words DON'T PANIC!!! This isn't Resident Evil, the hordes of infected Porcine Mexican Zombies aren't coming for you to bite you and turn you into one of them. Yet, friends of mine on a message board are saying everyone should use the coming Pandemic to restock their emergency supplies. In other words, put up the plastic duct tape it in place. Get out your Dr's Masks and lysol and stock up on non-perishable food and water and for God's sake (and this is really just because those damn Liberal Democrats and their Messiah Obama are gonna take yer guns....) stock up on you Assault rifles and ammo. Besides, if there were real Zombies coming, The Warden would tell us....he's the ever vigilant one on that front.

1 comment:

Leaded Coffee said...

I'm waiting for the world to actually come to the realization that zombie Armageddon is at hand.