Thursday, April 30, 2009

Updates and such.

First off, let me say I love my friends.....the GoG has a great sense of what's what in the world. I will again plug their blogs a bit here. The Discourser of course is required reading. He has a great view of the world and is a really good writer. I expect to see him published some day. The Professor has an analytical eye on the world and you may very well learn something from reading his blog; he's very thorough in his explanations. SuperGoober just wrote a rant about the media's sensationlizing the Swine Flu issue.....much like myself he sees it as irrational and irresponsible. The Warden's blog is just great reading. If you believe that when there is no more room in Hell the dead will walk the earth, then his blog is for you. Wayfarer's travelogue is still a great read even though he's been home for months now. Another great writer. NTT's Brain is still sketching (he never stops) and his blog is filled with his artwork. The Perfectline will make you wish you were a Gearhead and make you want to buy a track car. The Craftsman's Wife will touch you with the continuing tale of Max the Wonder Baby.

Now for your regularly scheduled post:

New movie recommendation. Rent "Burn After Reading". It's a Cohen Brothers movie and it shows. It's a crazy little journey into the lives of some crazy little people who are willing to do anything for themselves. Narcissists with good intentions but not enough brains to be really dangerous. Funny movie. was better than last season that's for sure, but, well I don't know. I will keep watching because I want to see Network SciFi succeed, especially now since the SciFi channel doesn't really show SciFi anymore. The problem I'm having with Heroes lately is it seems the characters never learn from their past mistakes and keep on spiraling downwards in the same vicious cycle season after season. For awhile there it looked like we were going to get an actual Hero Team vs a Villan won't happen though...not sure why. It would be cool...I'm not talking spandex and masks here but it would be good.

What is with that anyway? We Comic book geeks watch TV too.....we SciFi geeks and Fantasy geeks......make something for us. Yes I know "Big Bang Theory" is technically a Geeks Sitcom, but honestly I haven't watched a sitcom since "Cheers" and "Night Court" went off the air. Yes, I'm that old so shutup. Hell I used to watch "Welcome Back Kotter", "MASH" and "Taxi" religiously. So you see, if they can't make them on par with those, it's not worth watching. Some would argue that "Seinfeld" was in that realm...I disagree. I never found it funny. It was a show about a bunch of self-centered, shallow people. Just not funny. Hell to this day I still laugh out loud to episodes of "I Love Lucy". That was one funny lady. Not being into "Battlestar Galactica" (sorry GoG...just never got into it....) it has been years since I watched SciFi Channel. I remember watching it alot back in the day. They would always show some old SciFi show daily during the 7pm hour. "Sliders", "Quantum Leap" stuff like that. Now it's guys hunting for ghosts and wrestling????? I mean yes, there's your Fiction but where's the Science part??? Side note: Not really sure if Ghosts are Fiction or not I've seen some things and experienced some things I really can't explain so I really can't say if it is indeed Fiction or not. Wrestling on the other hand; Fiction. Bunch of Stuntmen slapping and throwing each other around. I loved "Farscape" and "Stargate" until that show started to become unwatchable. Never watched "Stargate: Atlantis" because it was basically a SciFi channel spinoff and I've had bad experiences with their spinoffs. See the horrible example of "Wizard of EarthSea".....They really pissed me off with their interpretation of Harry Dresden in "The Dresden Files" series. That was not the Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher's novels; not even remotely close. The only thing they did well was to make Bob the Skull have a human form that he can project to talk to Harry. A talking Skull with their budget would have been really cheesy. As it was Harry didn't even have a real Wand or Staff, it was a drumstick and a hockey stick. Just annoying and I'm glad it got cancelled. Seriously, the way the books are written you could have just filmed it almost page by page.

I am liking this new series I've caught on Spike called "Most Dangerous Warrior" or something to that effect. They basically take two types of warriors from History and run tests on each one's weaponry and tactics, crunch the numbers, and run them through a computer simulation to see who would best who. The two I've seen so far are "Samurai vs. Viking" (Samurai won) and "Ninja vs. Spartan" (the Spartan destroyed the Ninja).

That's it for now...remember check out the blogs in the links sections and I will be back with another Rant about something soon.

1 comment:

supergoober said...

Thanks for the plug!

Burn after reading was hilarious...and still watching Heroes, or trying to actually. Nothing comes close to that first season though. We're hoping for the same magic, but I suppose the novelty has worn off.