Friday, April 10, 2009

Smell that? That's extremist Right Wing Desperation is what that is.....

The far Right Extremes of the GOP have finally lost it. They have seriously gone Bat Shit crazy. They come out and admit that Rush Limbaugh is their new spokesman now. Wow...really? Look those on the Extreme Left don't even acknowledge Michael Moore as anything other than a guy that makes controversial documentaries and you pin your Parties' re-emergence on Rush????? Apparently Fox News has decided that they really aren't going to be reporting anything close to fact or truth anymore. Nope, they are apparently going to broadcast nothing but opinion and fear mongering, disguised as news. Hell they even have Alex Jones who is a known Conspiracy Theorist and fear monger as a host now weekly and tout him as "The Great Alex Jones". This guy's radio show basically caused some loser still living with his Mom to strap on his AK and a vest then wait for the police to arrive (his Mom called them because she thought he was going to off her). When the cops showed up he picked them off one by one. Why? Because Alex Jones convinced him that Obama was going to steal his guns. There is currently no Obama Administration Gun Bills in the Senate or House. But hey, gun stores are doing great business as the uninformed are heading there in droves to buy up all the ammo they can get their hands on. Hmmm...remember that comment about Guns and Religion??? Yeah figured you had. Look, nothing wrong with owning guns okay, but seriously Obama isn't going to take your damn guns from you. He wouldn't be the first President to try and he wouldn't be the first President to fail. He's a bit too busy worrying about important things like, oh The Economy, every freaking country in the Middle East hating our asses, Afghanistan where Osama Bin Laden is still hiding and mocking know like Bush said "Mission Accomplished"????? Can I honestly just say to these fools; enough!!!! K??? Seriously stop your freaking whinning. But yet these douches often come back with "well you guys said all this crap about Bush and no one got mad..." whah whah whah....Bush deserved every little bit of hatred thrown his way. We are in this mess because of policies he let happen. He took global sympathy over 9/11, pissed on it, wrapped it in shit then sent it back to those that sided with us saying "take a big bite of this...". That's why Bush was universally hated...okay with the exception of 26% of the Population.... Obama is trying to solve a big mess here dumbasses. Instead of attacking the man, why not try coming up with solutions yourselves. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because it would mean the end of your "beloved, non-regulated, free market"....yeah like the Free Market ever existed. Please.

1 comment:

supergoober said...

Good rant! Definitely up to par.