Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is it just me? Part 2

I think I will make these segments a recurring thing on my blog, kind of like my version of Andy Rooney's bit at the end of every broadcast of 60 Minutes.

Why an ipod? Seriously why? Are they really that superior of a machine? Knowing Apple's track record, probably not. I researched MP3 players once (my StepDaughter was wanting one for Christmas) and I discovered a bazillion of them that were a hell of a lot cheaper than the iPod. They also didn't require you to suck off the teat that is iTunes to download music. No, you could go to any number of reputable, and maybe not so reputable, sites and download music and get it cheaper than at iTunes sometimes. Why this one product? Does it make you cooler? Hipper? More desirable to the opposite sex? I don't get it. Why fork out a huge bundle of cash for something you can get for half the cost that does the same thing.

Game consoles. Why would anyone get an XBox 360 now when you know the history of issues with them. The "Red Ring of Death" comes to mind. Apparently there's a design flaw with the case. The power supply sits too close to the case in some models and it heats up causing the unit to save itself by going into emergency lock mode. ie "The Red Ring of Death". There appears to be no way out of said condition other than to send the unit back to Microsoft for repair or replacement. Honestly, save your cash and get the PS3. But, you're better off getting an HD TV first. Seriously, playing a PS3 (which is a BluRay DVD player as well as a gaming console) on a non-HD TV is like kissing your sister. In my honest and humble opinion (you Mr. Ranter?? Humble????) I'd get a Wii. Yeah I know, "it's a kids game...". Not necessarily. They're alot of fun too. Graphics might not be great but Nintendo wasn't going for graphics. They were going for a new kind of interface which they nailed.

I think that's enough for now. More to come at a later date.

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