Friday, July 24, 2009

Look! Far to the Right! It's Fake Outrage!!!!!

Ever since the November 2008 elections, the extreme Right Wing Republican machine has been fast in motion cranking out that most bitter of elixirs; sour grapes. Oh how we've been privy to many a scene of fake outrage and the "Socialist" President at the "Not a citizen because he won't show us his birth certificate" President. The so-called Liberal media is his buddy they say. (Really? Because last time I looked it seemed like the media has been ripping the Pres to shreds....but I digress). Recently Caribou Barbie (you know who she is....I won't even give her any attention by saying her name) and one of her hillbilly spawn went to a Yankees game. David Letterman told a joke in his monologue about how Jeter had slept with the oldest of the hillbilly know the one that the abistence only speech really worked on. Yeah it was in bad taste, and yeah it really wasn't all that funny, but give me a break. It's a joke. But I forget that White Folk on the extreme right have no sense of humor. Oh wait, yes they do. Racists jokes about the President and watermelons......that's what passes for humor amongst the Redneck Elite. Caribou Barbie got all outraged at Letterman because the daughter he joked about wasn't the one that was at the game. So all of a sudden David Letterman became a "dirty old man who thinks that child rape is funny." WTF bitch???? A. Letterman doesn't write his own jokes anymore. He has writers for that. They got the wrong hillbilly crotchfruit and so the joke didn't work. Don't like those kinds of jokes biatch? Then you shouldn't have paraded your hillbilly clan in front of the country for everyone to see. Hannity and the rest of the mouth breathing dumbasses that speak for the Right all wanted Letterman's head. Hell the man apologized (something I'm pissed off at him for. Dave, you didn't need to apologize for shit. Screw her.) and even Bill O'Really gave him a pass for it. Wow...that's a first. Yet when we have a Repulican Governor from South Carolina jet off to Argentina to bang his little ho down there and tells no one where he's going, do the mouth breathing assholes give him shit? Oh Hell no!!! Not a freaking word. Maybe they mentioned it once, but you don't see any week long specials dedicated to it. Ah the fake outrage. Too afraid to turn it towards their own because they know they are the party of irrelevance right now. Or when a Republican Senator blantantly says that he and others are actively causing hold ups on passing Health Care Reform for the express purpose of "breaking" the President not a single one of the Right wing pundits says shit about that. Hannity isn't outraged at that. Here's a Senator admitting to what I consider a breach of duty at the least and treason at the most but no one says shit. Nice. Liberal media my ass. Now mind you, the other night on TV our President, whom I support, answered a question he should have just taken the fifth on and showed some racial bias. It wasn't his best moment; he was right in his opinion, but he shouldn't have given it. It made him look biased and stirred the mouth breathers and hillbillys and fundies into panty twisting mode. Oh how the Sour Grape Juice has been flowing. All I have to say is keep it up you dumbasses. You are making this middle of the roader lean farther left every day. I feel sorry for the Right...I actually do. They just can't see that they are only hastening their slide into oblivion.

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