Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is it Just me? Part 3

Those that know me and those that read this blog know I have issues with organized religion.  Part of that stems from the fact that I was raised Catholic.  And before you pervs think it was because I was molested by Priests...think again.  The Priests at our Parish were very nice people.  No, my problem with that particular church started when I turned 18 and was told by my Mother that I could make my own decision on whether or not to keep going to church.   I found mass boring, uninspiring and frankly a waste of my time.  I didn't feel any different after communion, nor did I feel any different after going to mass.  It all felt hypocritical to me.   Why should I give crap up for Lent?  Just because Jesus went into the desert for a month so the Devil could tempt him?  That's what he was supposed to do.  Endure crap like that so he could get in touch with Mankind.  Sex only when you're married?  Oh please.  Or the caveat, but if you do have sex even when you are married, you can't use birth control because that's a sin.  I see.  So the church has decided that Humans are like all the other animals in the world and we are only supposed to have sex to make babies.  Got news for you; we enjoy it as well as use it for procreation.  My biggest issue was when I was going through my divorce.  Here was a man who had never been married, who couldn't get married and yet he was supposed to counsel me on the troubles I was having.   The thing they always tell you is "no matter what, Divorce is a sin.."  Whatever.  When your wife is cheating on you, you know it.   So according to the church I'm still married to my ex because I didn't go through their official channels, pay 800 bucks, and sit through a bunch of BS classes all so the church could annul my marriage.  Yeah right.  Look I paid a lawyer 500 bucks and the State of California says I'm no longer married to my ex.  That's good enough for me.  But let's forget all that for now and get to the heart of this installment of "Is it just me?".   This installment is about Christians.  Now let me start by saying that I'm not going to be generalizing here.  Living in one of the Bible Belt States I have friends who are Christians and they do not fall into the category I'm about to speak of.  Those Christians are the overly fanatical ones.  The ones that it seems to me like they have something to prove to someone.   Let's take local businesses for instance.   There's a pool and hot tub place in town who has Scripture on their sign board outside of their business all the time.  I won't shop there, like I won't shop at the nursery that flies the Confederate flag in town.  Why you ask?  Because I don't like when people push their faith on me.   You are in the business of selling pools and spas, not saving my soul.   The only "business" that should have Scripture on their sign is a Church!  That's their business; saving Souls, preaching the Word.   There's also an Auto Mechanic who advertises on TV.  It's he and his Wife and dog and they give their spiel about their business.  When the commercial is almost through the Wife says, "and not only are we here to fix your car, but we are available for Prayer Requests and Fellowship."  WTF???  Who gives a crap.  If I take my car to you to be fixed, I want it fixed.  I don't want you stopping in the middle to go do a "prayer request" or to comfort some fellow soul in need.  No, do your job.   These people just go a bit too far.   It's like they are trying to prove how saved they are or something.  My group of friends out here all go to the same church.  Not once have they tried to preach to me, convert me or even discuss their church in my presence.  Not once.  I'm grateful for this.   Their faith is personal, like it should be.   I also am annoyed by people that say "Have a blessed day!".  I don't want to have a blessed day, Hell sometimes I don't want to have a "Nice" day.   Then there's the folks that have to put the symbols of their faith on everything.  The Jesus Fish on the car, or the Jesus Fish and 3 crosses in the signature line of their Professional Emails.   If I was to put an Oakland Raiders logo in the signature of my professional emails, I'd get fired.  To me the Jesus Fish is the same thing.  It also seems like certain Christians engage in what I consider sacrilegious behavior.   They desperately try and sell their religion.  Market it to the masses.  Stupid T-shirts that parody current trendy things.  An example:  "Got Jesus?" on a T-shirt.  C'mon......Or the ever popular, "WWJD"....which stands for "What Would Jesus Do?".  I'll tell you what he would do, smack the crap out of you for using him as a marketing tool.   There's even Christian Music....Modernized Gospel music basically.  Heck, Christian kids can't even play Guitar Hero without there being a cheap Christian Knockoff.    During Halloween, a holiday the Christians are trying to make go away, they start putting out Biblical Figures costumes.  The "Real Super Heroes" they call them.   What, Christian kids can't read comics now???  Oh no Jr., sorry you can't be SpiderMan for "Fall Fest" you have to be Moses.   It's just a bit much.   Then the wonder why Teens and young adults flee the Church.   It gets to be too much.  Not sure why they feel the need to try and shove the fact they are Christians down everyone's throat?  Why is there this section of Christians that feels the need to constantly prove to the world they are Saved?   They will call it preaching the word.  I call it being an annoying pain in the ass.  I ignore them for the most part, but sometimes I just want to say "I don't want to have a blessed day.  I don't care that you found Jesus, nor do I care that you're saved.  Only God cares about that so go tell it to him."

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