Monday, June 19, 2006

BBQ Update

It was a success. All of my guests had a great time. My co-worker Tammye brought her little Shih Tzu and he was having a good time. Olivia kept the adults entertained by pulling out her Dance Dance Revolution game and dance mats to go with it. While I was outside manning the grill and talking with my co-worker Sarah's boyfriend Mark and Cathy, Sarah, Olivia, Tammye and her daughter Ashley were dancing around. Too funny. It's odd, Olivia was supposed to be with the Sperm Donor until yesterday, but she wanted to come home on Friday, which changed to wanting to come home on Thursday. And apparently SD didn't care. Of course not. He's happy to be rid of her. Such a schmuck. What is the old saying "There are people who are alive simply because it's illegal to kill them...".

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