Thursday, August 17, 2006

Rant Time

By now I hope you have read the article. So as I suspected, you can't just make a bomb from harmless chemicals by pouring some of this into some of that. Apparently the chemical compound that the British authorities said was to be made would have taken an act of God for someone not to have noticed. Funny how this crap becomes front page news when we are getting up in arms over the Government's incompetence (NSA spying on us has now been deemed shit really????) Notice how this stuff makes front page news and it's the cry of "OH NOES THE EVIL TERRORISTS...EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!!" when W's approval rating is in the crapper???? So law abiding citizens going about their business are now subjected to further inconvenience at the hands of the Department of Homeland Gestapo and the Evil TS(s)A. The British police knew about these schmucks weeks ago....months ago.....and finally made an arrest that stopped them cold in their tracks. But we announce that it was stopped and it's "Dump all your liquids folks...." Yeah, hold this cup Mr. TSA I've got some liquid for ya....... It's bad enough they take 90 year old granny with a walker who can barely move at 1 mph out of line for a "random search". Oh give me a break!!!! Like you needed to do that. Why not do Random Searches on dark haired males between the ages of 28-35....those are your Terrorists. Yes that would have included me, and I would have been an ass but oh well. Honestly, I do not feel safer at the Airport than I did before 9/11. Now I feel paranoid, annoyed and frankly pissed off. It's to the point where I hate to fly. All of this security has raised the cost of everything. Screw it I'll take the train or freaking drive...oh wait...Gas is 1 million dollars a gallon so I better just stay home and not spend any money.....yeah the economy is doing just dandy...... Welcome the the War on Terror....which is more like the Rape of our Civil Rights...the Constitution....oh that's just a guideline.......

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