Thursday, December 04, 2008

Boycott Dollar Tree

Click on the entry title to go to the Chronicle article. A single Mom of an 11-year old son was working at the Dollar Tree in Fairfield when a random nutjob comes into the store and stabs her to death. When he is caught, he tells the police his only reason for killing her was that she was black. Pretty horrible, but here's the real nasty part; Dollar Tree and it's Insurance Company are refusing to pay her son Worker's Comp benefits because even though she died on the job, her death "wasn't job related". Can you freaking believe that?!?!?!? This Corporation that sells shit made in China for a dollar can't pay a kid left motherless because of some racist asshole the 250K this child is entitled to as the sole survivor of this tragedy. It is work related Morons!!! If she didn't have to work that day, she wouldn't be dead. This reminds me of Ford and the Pinto memo. Some number cruncher told the heads of Ford that it would be cheaper to pay the lawsuits when folks died in the firey explosions of their Pintos then to fix the problem with the car. Imagine that? Thought processes like that I just don't get. Yeah it may be cheaper to pay lawsuits, but we are talking wrongful death lawsuits!!! For every lawsuit they pay, someone died and it was their design flaw (a bolt underneath the gas tank that when the car was in a rear end collision scraped across the gas tank opening it up and causing sparks) that did it. I mean 250K for a workers comp claim is nothing to a corporation like Dollar Tree. Their product overhead is nothing. Cheap crap made in China for pennies and sold for a buck or 2...c'mon it's a brillant scheme. So please join me in boycotting this heinous company.

Follow up: Click on the above link for the article. So it looks like Dollar Tree got shamed into paying the full amount. It's taken two years for this Family to get justice. For once the media did some good. After this story broke, Dollar Tree stores were picketed and empty. See folks, speaking with your wallets does do some good sometimes. Personally I will continue to boycott their stores as the thought of them denying someone what is rightfully theirs because of a technicality is wrong, and will cost them more than the 150,000 that was due the Family. Isn't that funny, they tried to save themselves 150K but will end up losing more than that in sales and might have to close stores.

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