Monday, September 28, 2009

The Hypocrisy is Strong with the Right Side....

Let's hearken back 8 years.  Remember a certain group of female Country Singers called the "Dixie Chicks"?  Remember them?  Their lead singer Natalie Mane made a statement in front of an audience in England about how she was embarrassed that George W. Bush was her President.   The GOP went ballistic and called for their heads on a platter.  They made statements like "no matter how much you don't like the President or agree with him, statements like that make our Country look weak.  It makes us look like we aren't unified."   They had a point.  I actually agreed with them.  I don't think what Natalie Mane said was so horrible, but it did show the world we weren't as unified a Country as we claimed to be.   Now let's move forward to 1/20/09.   President Barack Obama was sworn in as number 44.  Ever since that day, the same GOP talking heads who wanted the death of the Dixie Chicks for defaming the President are right there, loudly defaming the current President.   So I guess when it's a Rich, White, Good ol' Boy, Republican it's "treason" to say you don't like him, but when it's a Rich, Black, Intelligent Democrat it's okay to bash the shit out of him....and lie doing it too.   Hypocrites.  The Grand Old Party is a bunch of hypocrites.  The Wife made an observation the other day in Books A Million.   She noticed that there were about a dozen or more books written blatantly calling the Pres a "crook, socialist, crackpot, etc etc".   You know if there were that many books written about Bush like that 8 years ago there'd be all kinds of shit stirred up.  Just goes to show you the calmer, more intelligent side of things.   The latest is by Michelle "the psycho Filipina" Malkin.   Yeah I said psycho Filipina.....SG and the Warden will go in to long discussions on the Psychoness of Filipinas, just ask them.   Not all, but I've met my share of them and the Warden was married to one.   That aside, Michelle Malkin is just nuts, whatever her Nationality.  This is the same chick that wanted the head of Rachel Ray because she claimed she was a Terrorist Sympathizer because she was wearing a white and black scarf on her neck.  MM said it was "one of those head wraps the Islamist Terrorists wear".   Um...MM, you are referring to a Shemagh, and every male in the middle east wears one.  Hell our own Soldiers wear them in Iraq and Afghanistan.  So I guess they are terrorists too huh MM?  Stupid bitch.  This is the same dumbass that said the Pres and First Lady were terrorists for doing a fist bump at one of the Conventions.  MM claims that's what Hezbollah does......really moron?  You honestly spew this crap and people take you seriously?  So I guess that means that every Athlete on every Sports Team in the US is a Hezbollah sympathizer.  I can't believe people actually fork out money to read this bitch's shit?  Then there's Beck....his latest is "How to talk to idiots".  I told the Wife that Beck does that every morning when he looks in the mirror.    Then we have Senator Heckler......just rude and disrespectful honestly.   No Democratic Senator or member of Congress EVER did anything like to the last President.  They'd have ended up in Gitmo being waterboarded I'm sure if they did.   The GOP should be ashamed of itself....but of course they won't be.   It's hard to be humble for the Grand Old Party....but hey being relegated to the Party of Irrelevance takes some getting used to I guess.

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