Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kids and Weddings

In today's I saw an interesting article from of all people Amy Graff at the Mommy Blog (I'm not a big fan of hers...see an earlier post about her and her precious little snowflakes going to see Up).  The topic was about Kids and Weddings.  I've known of some couples to send out invites saying "No Children" before and I have mixed feelings about this.  When I got married the first time, we didn't know a lot of couples with kids save my former Bro-in-law and my Cousin's son, the Ring Bearer, so it really wasn't an issue.  I wouldn't have minded though.   Yes, kids are kids.  They get bored easily and sometimes don't have inside voices or don't know when being quiet means being quiet, but not including them is I feel is an insult to your guests.  The Ceremony is for the Couple, but the reception is for your guests.  If you think about it, you are asking folks to take a Saturday off to come sit in a Church (or wherever) and watch you and your sig other get married.   Most likely this person paid money for the gas to get there, a hotel room (if they are coming from a ways off), a gift and most likely either got their suit pressed or bought a new dress.  It would rude of you to tell them they have to pay for Babysitting as well.   Creative ideas I've seen done are what my friend Mike and his Wife Anne did.  At the reception they had a room set aside with a TV and VCR, games, coloring books and plenty of kids programs on tape with a Minder that they paid to be there.  It kept the kids busy during the reception to the point that they didn't get bored.  I think that was a great idea.   Of course knowing lots of folks with kids now, I'm always conscious of that fact and make sure that most things I invite them to specify whether the event is Kid friendly or not.

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