Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The President's "Evil" Agenda or how Repug Parents are serving their Kids Sour Grapes now.

The President is going to make an Internet speech geared towards children today that has all the Conservative Parents who didn't vote for him in a tizzy.  You see they believe it's part of the President's Socialist "Indoctrination" of their children.  His "Evil" Agenda to warp their minds.  Now mind you, it was announced that the Speech was about education and geared towards keeping kids in school and hopefully lowering the dropout rate and encouraging these kids to work hard and excel so you can get into college.   Evil agenda indeed.  If that's what these frothing at the mouth, repugnican Kool-Aid drinking sour grape eating dumbasses consider "indoctrination" then I say Indoctrinate away.  The freaking transcript was released saying exactly what the President's speech will contain, yet there are still moronic parents and School districts that aren't taking time out of their day or not even showing the speech because they still believe it's crap.  Here's the kicker; that bastion of fear mongering, Bill O'Really, he thinks their's nothing wrong with the speech and that all kids should watch it.  Wow!!!  He's not even remotely a fan of the Pres but yet he even thinks that pushing education is a damn good thing.   So to all you moronic parents I say this; get used to your child lounging around the house at 30 years of age, doing nothing with his/her life.   Hope you didn't want to see your kids succeed because with your insular attitude they won't.  All the President is doing is making education, hard work, college, success a good thing; making it more attractive than dropping out and not getting a diploma or higher degree.   What the Hell is wrong with that?   Do you hate the man that much that when he does something positive you still don't care?  I'm all for free speech and all, but lately some of the shit folks are saying and doing is bordering on treason.  I think the Pres needs to start being a bit more of a Hard Ass.   When Beck called him a racist, hold a press conference and call Beck out for a discussion.  Tell him "put up or shut up".  Something tells me Beck wouldn't have the stones to go face to face with the Pres.  When Sorehead Palin talks about shit she has no clue about, call the bitch on it.  The Pres should have come out and said "all right Sarah the Quitter, where's your proof of these so-called Death Panels?"   The Dems in Congress need to stop being such wusses as well.  Man up Nancy boys and girls and let's go.  Back the Man, tell the Repugs to fuck off or come the next election you will all be history.  We put you in there to change shit; well get off your asses and start.

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