Friday, August 03, 2007


Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 42 years old, and you know what? It is just another day. So many people fear getting older that it becomes quite sad to watch the lengths they go to in holding off the inevitable; we don't live forever so make the best of your life every single day of it. People primp, lift, staple, fold, dye, etc etc.... Some of it is a vanity thing (my wonderful Wife hides her grey with hair color....I tell her she doesn't have to, but she just doesn't like the way it looks on her so she does.) okay actually most of it is a vanity thing. It's mostly women, although some men can be just as bad. They have had it beaten into their heads through print and visual media that the "perfect" woman has perky breasts, smooth skin, and an un-naturally thin body, but with large Barbie. A doctor once wrote that if Barbie was a real woman she'd have the worst posture issues ever. She'd literally snap in half. A waist that small is out of proportion with the shoulders and breasts. The human body is symetrical. A thin man has thin shoulders and a thin waist. A heavy, stocky, fat man has wide/broad shoulders and wide/broad hips. Women are the same. The larger (naturally large) breasted women have wider hips, smaller, have smaller hips. Women seem to think we men like ginormous breasts....honestly, most of the men I know don't really care. Don't get me wrong; men are fascinated by's hardwired into us. It's probably the breast feeding urge when we were babies that we didn't seem to lose. I refuse to be one of these folks who fights their age (although I do need to lose some of the weight that has settled on the old chasis, and that's for health reasons since it is unhealthy to be overweight.) I jokingly tell people I'm having anniversaries of my 25th birthday, but if asked I will tell you my age. Hell I'll volunteer it. I relish being as old as I am. It lets me be the spoiler when "these kids today" start getting all excited about something that is "new" usually isn't, and I will be the first to say "we had those. They died out quick because we thought they were stupid." It's great to watch them wilt because the cool new thing they thought they discovered is ancient. Mean aren't I? Go back and read my post about today's youth and my opinions of the lot of them and you will see why I'm that way. I can't wait until I'm eligible for a Senior Discount. I'm going to milk that crap for every discounted cent I can get boy. Just wait. My Dad does it now, and I love it. Dad doesn't look like he's 68 years old so often times they don't offer the Senior Discount to him. He makes sure they do by often saying "uh Excuse me. I'm a Senior, where's my discount?" I love it. These kids who are usually behind the counter are afraid of offending someone by offering a Senior Discount. Wimps. Hey Grandma, you got wrinkles and grey hair....guess what? You're a freaking Senior Citizen. Deal with it! Being old doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying life. Doesn't mean you have to lay down and wait to die. Screw that!! I may not be able to keep up with the young ones, but I'm like that old bull in that joke. Ask me, I'll tell it to you some time. Look at the landscape of celebrity in our Country lately. Women in their late 30's - 40's are becoming sex symbols (like they should. My Wife is a year older than me and she is still damn sexy!!) All the young "hotties" are becoming wrecks. In and out of rehab, whoring around with anything that moves, all caught on tape for the world to see. If you notice too, all the young one's are fading away a lot quicker than their predecessors did. It's because alot of these young actresses/singers whatever you want to call them don't have any real talent. Brittney Spears....mediocre pop star who was only loved by young girls, but yet tried to appeal to Dirty Old Men....sorry hon the DOM just want to see you naked not listen to your crappy music. Marketing they called it. But guess what? If Mom, the keeper of the key to the treasury finds the item you are marketing to be a bad influence on her little girl, all the Marketing in the world won't help you. Jessica and Ashley Simpson.......talentless hack who's Father basically whores them out so he doesn't have to work. What a nice Dad. "here Honey, dress like a slut and act like a whore and Daddy will split the money with you..." Bastard should be ashamed of himself. Lindsay Lohan....why do people keep casting this girl in movies? Everyone she has been in sucks. They put her with a great cast in Georgia Rules (well with the exception of Hanoi Jane) but the movie tanked at the box office. C'mon. It's like putting Madonna in a movie. It will tank so badly you won't see it coming. She's a great musical entertainer. She should stick to that. Her best movie was Evita and that's because she sang the entire movie (It being a Musical and all). It used to take decades for the young, hot celebs to hit bottom. Now it's a matter of weeks!!! To be fair, there are a few that actually do have talent. Keira Knightly, the girl that plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies, Dakota Fanning.......these young ladies have a future (although Keira better pick some better movies when not doing a Pirates movie....some of her other choices have sucked). Why do they have a future? Because they have talent. Look at Christina Aguillera for instance. She burst into the music scene making dance music for adults. Yeah she dressed slutty, but she was marketing her music for the club scene, not little girls. Nowadays she's a married woman and dressing more like someone from the 40's. Complete reinvention, but still marketed for adults. There's no confusion there. Getting older is a blessing as far as I'm concerned. Honestly, I'd rather have another birthday than the alternative.

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