Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Morning Bloggers!!!

It's been a few days, but I'm back.  I want to start off today by saying to my Wife I was a bit harsh to Miss Teen USA this morning....not all Beauty Pageant contestants are stupid; it just seems like it.  I honestly don't understand these things.  The gist of these Pageants is to further Society's attitude towards Women that it's "all about looks", don't "be yourself, be fabulous".  Whatever.  I've heard many a woman say that they go through "Hell" to look good for men.  Really?  Do you really think that?  Yes, there are some shallow guys out there (you know, the one's that buy their Wives/Girlfriends a Boob job....because "she wants it"...yeah right...) but honestly most of us want a woman we can talk to and to be our companion and friend until we are old and grey and kack off.  I love my Wife the way she is.  Yes she colors her grey, but she does it for her; not me.  I always tell her, and it's the truth, that I could care less if she has some grey....we are in our 40's we are supposed to start getting grey.  We also have a 13 year old Daughter....if that doesn't cause grey hair I don't know what does.  Her comeback is, "I care" I don't say anything else after that.  I guess I just want her to understand that she doesn't have to do it for me.  My Wife has never nipped, tucked, expanded, retracted just to make herself look better.  She is sexy just as she is.  I understand a little vanity in people.  You do want to look somewhat presentable.  Hell this morning I had to trim the old UniBrow before it started having a mind of it's own.  I hate that.  Being a Sicilian means I'm a hairy bastard.  I have to shave the space between my brows because if I don't, they will merge into one.  I will look like the Geico Caveman or something.  I always get an eyebrow or two who don't want to conform with the rest of their brethren, on either brow.  These "rebel" eyebrow hairs grow longer than the rest and start extending out of the black patch of brow above either eye like tentacles searching for food or something.  A couple of quick swipes with my trimmers and they are conforming like good little eyebrow hairs.  Then it's off to the nose.  Yeah I know, don't you hate it guys, we are getting like "those old guys" we used to see with the nose hairs you could braid and the tufts of fur coming out of their ears (why the ears????  why does hair grow there when it never did before when you get older?????).  Their are a few nostril rebels like the eyebrow rebels (I think they are in cahoots personally.  It's a facial hair conspiracy!!) who, if left unattended, would grow to my knees.  Ain't happening!!!  Gotta love the nose hair trimmers.   Anyway, back to Miss Teen USA.  These poor girls, they are nervous and unequipped for what they are going through when they are in these Pageants.  They all get coached to try and sound like someone they aren't.  Why did they ask Miss Teen USA her opinion on why she thinks most Americans suck at geography???  Guess what, she's one of those Americans just like every other kid in Public School.  Our Education system in this Country is under funded and therefore our teachers are being under equipped to do their jobs.  Geography isn't stressed like Math and Science.  Our Government loves to practice isolationist policies so no wonder why students have no clue where Syria is, or Pakistan.  They should, because that's where all the insurgents are pouring into Iraq from, but the importance of the World outside of the USA isn't stressed.  But poor MTU, she was coached by handlers to try and sound like she cared and knew the answer.  The poor thing ended up sounding like a moron and of course, you guessed it, it ended up on YouTube to be played over and over again, ad nauseum.  Asking them what they want to do with their Titles and their Lives is a great thing, don't ask them to solve the Country's problems or explain why they exist in the first place.  We all know the answer to that one; one letter "W".  I think I'm against these things because I don't want my Daughter to get the impression that she isn't good enough the way she is.  She is. She's a wonderful young lady, albeit a bit stubborn (okay very stubborn), but that's because she is 13.  It's an evil age my friends.  Ware ye the teenage Daughter.....(Brian and Justin to name two who have young daughters right now, The Discourser is going through it presently). 
Michael Vick....what can you say?  Just like Pacman these idiots are given every opportunity in the world and they make stupid decisions; criminal decisions.  But you notice, neither the Titans or the Falcons will come out and say these fools are off the team.  They've never been officially cut from their respective teams yet.  They are suspended by the NFL, but not the Teams.  If these schmucks were on my team and I was the owner......oh you bet your sweet patooty they'd be off that team.  Hey if anything it frees up some Salary Cap money you can spend on someone who isn't going to be a screw up. 

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