Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Freedom of Expression

One of the wonderful things about living in this Country is our Bill of Rights.  The First Amendment to the Constitution is about that very thing.  Freedom of Speech, or expression.  There are sometimes when the exercising of this right is a brave thing to do; speaking up against the War in Iraq, giving one's real opinion of the idiot running our Country.  These are brave and just uses of one's First Amendment rights.  Then we have the idiots.  The one's who should just be shot, who's opinion no decent human being cares about.  The KKK is one group of idiots, as are the Neo-Nazi's, skinheads, Louis Farrakhan, Jessie Jackson, Al know; hate mongers.  Yes, believe it or not, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Lou Farrakhan are just as bad a keeping the Racist Pot stirring in this Country as the KKK and the Nazi's.  Some forms of expression are....interesting to say the least, but harmless.  Others make you cringe to see it (multiple piercing of parts of one's body......).  Tattoos are one form I don't understand, nor do I find attractive.  Cat has none.....the Hellspawn had one but it was easily concealable.   I don't understand the women that want to have their entire arms tattooed from shoulder to wrist.  Why?  It's not remotely attractive.  It reminds me of some Hells Angel or something like that.  It doesn't look remotely feminine, and let's face it guys....we like our women to look feminine every once in's what attracts us to them to begin with.  These hard fighting, tattooed chicks are just too manly...... if we wanted manly we'd all be gay.  I've mentioned the piercing a bit ago.  Other than one's earlobes (and I still don't know why you'd do that but hey when I was in High School, a guy had to have the correct ear pierced or he was considered gay.....) why would a person want to put a hole then a metal object through the following:  nostril (when a person with a nose ring takes their nose ring out and blows their nose, does snot come out the hole??? I've always wondered about that), nipple (ummmm Ladies.....the best way to have a guy not touch them is to pierce them.....), genitalia (OUCH!!!  We are talking metal spike, sensitive area......NO....not in this lifetime or any other), tongue (yes I'd like to talk like I have speech problems.......), chin, lip, eyebrow??? (that's just damn silly now....eyebrow....why???).  Bumper stickers are the next form that can be really stupid.  The Jesus fish too......I'm glad you are a Christian, but man do you have to advertise it all the time???  You see these local Dentists and Mechanics and such on TV and they advertise their business, and right on the bottom of the screen is a Jesus Fish.....makes me not want to go to your shop.  Same with putting up scripture on the message board outside your business.  I won't go to that store like I won't shop at the nursery with the Confederate Flag.  Politics and Religion are personal things: DO NOT ADVERTISE THEM!!!!  Some bumper stickers are amusing.  One I truly love says "Jesus Loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're and Asshole."  I also like the Darwin Fish....kind of a snub at the Jesus Fish.  There is also the Alien "Fish"'s two Jesus Fish end to end making a flying saucer with the word "Alien" inside.  Guess the Christians don' t have much of a sense of humor....they have come out with a Jesus Fish eating a Darwin Fish.  Kind of vengeful don't you think?  Not a real good example of Jesus' teachings, you know turn the other cheek.  I think it's funny that Christians get pissed and become very un-Christian when folks exercise their Freedom of Expression and voice their distrust of their beliefs.   I've always thought the "My kid is a honor student at....." bumper stickers were stupid too.  I'm glad you are proud of your child, but keep it to yourself.  The only people that care about those things are: you, your Spouse, the Child, the School, and possibly a College admissions board.  The rest of us could care less and think it's arrogant of you to go bragging.  I like the response bumper stickers to that "My kid beat up your Honor student...."  or better yet "My kid got your honor student pregnant..."  that one was pretty bad.  Damn funny, but bad.  What prompted this discussion was the one thing I think is the stupidest accessory to put on a car.  This item is usually on a big pickup truck, and usually under the tow hitch.  Some moron, somewhere decided that a fake set of testicles swinging from the bottom of a tow hitch was a "great" thing to put on your pick up and drive around in. Oh yeah, really great......thanks for that.  Makes parents everywhere have to explain to their children what it is.  Honestly, it's as bad as someone watching porn on a DVD player while driving.  Certain things are censored, or you have to be a certain age to view why is this shit allowed out in public?  A woman can't go walking down the street topless or a man bottomless without circumstances; so why can these morons drive around with fake, male genitalia (at least a portion of) hanging off their trucks?  The oddest version of this I saw was on a truck that had to be driven by a Gay Cowboy.  It was a taxi yellow truck with the fake sack hanging off the hitch (in yellow of course), a rainbow pride bar on the back window and a Cowboy Up sticker right below it.  Gay Cowboy.  That's another one that is dumb: Cowboy Up...... what a dumb statement.  I'm still working on designing a come back sticker that has a guy with a smoking gun standing over a dead cowboy that says "Cowboy Down".  

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