Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Authors Part II

Like I've said before my Wife and I are avid readers. She has been waiting on some stuff to come to paperback as have I so we've discovered some other Writers we have previously passed over. We've discovered some of these folks that blatantly write as two different people. Nora Roberts who writes mostly romance stuff (blahhhhhhh........why do they call it Romance when it's really Soft Core Porn....guys next time your Romance novel reading Girlfriend/Wife gives you grief about Porn call her a hypocrite) writes these crime thrillers as JD Robb. Why? If you're going to use a Nom de Plume why advertise it's you? Stephen King has written a fair number of novels as Richard Bachman. They've done well, but it's reall his name that draws folks in. Cath was pretty much annoyed at the last JD Robb book she read. Said it had too much Romance novel influence in it and from the inside cover you can see that this woman has written a crapload of books. Apparently she is one of those "formula writers". I told my Buddy Brian last night that it's like Mad Libs..."give me a noun....now give me a verb.....now an adjective...". It's like her books are all written on a template. Character A is a detective who has Partner B help him/her solve Crime D, etc etc. Nothing real interesting at all. I hate that. I've read an Author or two like that and just couldn't finish it. Ah well to each his own I guess.

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