Thursday, February 11, 2010

I was expecting this to happen.....

I just didn't know it was as wide spread as it is.  Click on the blog title to be taken to the Sacramento United Coalition of Reason's website.  Here's there billboard

They are a group that tells people it's okay "not to believe".  As most readers of this blog know, I'm not too fond of organized religions.   I find them controlling, unreasonable, xenophobic and full of hypocrisy.  I also think that they give people excuses to act like animals sometimes and to feel more "holier than thou".  I expected something this to happen eventually.  When W. was President, he pretty much catered to the Religious Right.  For 8 years we saw an increased blurring of the lines between Church and State.  It's good to see there are others out there who are seeing the "light" (or not seeing the "light" because that's a religious reference after all.)

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