Friday, February 26, 2010

Is it just me?

Is it just me, or is being married and middle aged kind of fun?  Seriously, I do enjoy being the age I am and being married.  I know, sounds odd coming from a guy (essentially we are supposed to want to fight old age to the bitter end and want to sleep with anything that moves), but I really do enjoy where I am in life right now.   My Wife and I have a good marriage, we are comfortable with each other and genuinely enjoy each other's company.   I know people who have that "she's the old ball and chain" attitude, but that's not me.  I will be 45 this year, and you know what; who cares?  Seriously, it's a number.   What has driven me to write this is constant "war on aging" that television slams us with.  Toyota (poor Toyota) has been showing these commercials for the Sienna mini-van that show a 40 something couple in complete denial that they are married parents who bought a mini-van by using terms like "Mom-Like" and "Dad-Like".  Sorry folks, you did the deed, had the kids, are raising them, etc.  You are Mom and Dad; i.e. Parents.   Deal with it and move on.   Dove has some great anti "war on aging" commericals out now.  They are selling their body wash for men by saying "after all the macho bs is done and you are now comfortable".....essentially saying, hey we came up with a product that won't dry out your skin and get you clean and you won't be considered a pansy or a wimp for using it because you're an old guy.  

I feel sorry for single folks, I really do.  Not the one's in relationships; technically you're not single then.  No, I'm talking about the "serial daters"; the ones that are constantly with someone new.  That's got to suck.  Yeah I know the whole "you eat saltines all your life then you have a ritz and it's like a whole new world opens up", but my attitude is "it's a damn cracker".  Unsalted, lightly salted, spiced up, whatever; deep down inside, under all the layers it's still a cracker.   I believe that if you communicate well in your relationships, you can eat an flavor of cracker you want; and it will all come out of the same box. 

Damn I'm hungry now......

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