Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Social Networking

I just read an article in today's Tennessean (an extreme, right leaning newspaper much like the SF Chronicle leans left) about folks "signing off" of Social Networking sites.   These people claim that it eats up too much of their lives, etc.   These are obviously people with no self control.   I personally use Facebook as it's a bit more Adult Oriented.  No, not that way you pervs, there are more adults on Facebook than on any other Social Network site.   I love it personally.  My eldest Step-Daughter and her Husband send me little blurbs, etc all the time.  I've reconnected with Family members that have lost touch, old High School friends and the like.   For awhile there we didn't have any home computer at all.  The Desktop died, the laptop died so we were stuck.  Even then, I would log on once in a blue moon and check my Facebook page and not be all stressed because it had been a few weeks or months since the last time I check.  No one gave me grief for it, nor do I feel it's sucking my life away.   These sites are great tools and with a bit of self-control, you will be just fine.    I don't use Myspace because it's populated by Teens; I have a 15 year old Step-Daughter, I get enough of Teen "drama" without having to go to a webpage with blasting music and banners flashing you to an epileptic seizure.  No thanks, I'll stick with my simple, clean Facebook page any day.  The one I don't think is really useful, for at least myself anyway, is Twitter.   Honestly, my friends and the world do not need to know my every move at all times of the day.   I don't know of many of the GoG that use Twitter.  I'm glad they don't because I can jus see the Tweets now:
The Warden:  "Just took a massive shit.  Man it stunk.  It was approximately 18 inches long and curled nicely as it evacuated itself from my ass."
The Discourser: "Just declared biological warfare on the room.  Man that was a stinky one!!!  I think the Professor's face is turning blue."
The Perfect Line: "Just finished banging a hot chick.  Damn she has nice tits.....we took pictures.  I will show them to you at our next gaming session."
And these would be the tame ones from the GoG, trust me. 

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