Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Teabaggers: Morons to the extreme.+

The Tea Party movement, or as I sarcastically like to call them "Tea Baggers", started as a way of being frustrated at the Government's treatment of the little man.  It has now evolved into the crazy arm of the right wing repugnican propaganda machine that is still being powered by sour grapes.   Seriously you retards, get the Hell over it.  Your Dude lost.   Look the "Bush Stole the Election" people were annoying after awhile too okay.  Jesus, shut the Hell up already.   Anyway, I digress.  The Tea Baggers held their first National Convention in Nashville recently and they only pulled in about 600 people.   You get about 6,000 at a Star Trek Convention as a comparison.  I guess the Geeks have more conviction than a bunch of mouth breathing whiners.   The Tea Baggers have become Anti-Obama and stopped being Anti Government like they used to be.  What these talking monkies don't realize is that it's their favorite party, the GOP, that is really the issue.  The President hasn't had a chance to do anything yet because the GOP is pitching a fit at every little thing.  Instead of bitching about the health care bill, try coming up with a solution.  The loudest Republican opponents of anything the President does never offer a solution; they just rail and rant because that's their job apparently.   Bob Corker, Tennessee Senator, is useless as a Legislator.   All he does is pull out his GOP Sour Grape scented flash cards and says things like "Tax and Spend Democrat" "Socialist", etc etc.  These jackholes still think there is a free market out there.  I have news for you, there isn't.   The only markets where true competition exists is the goods and services retail markets and the auto markets.   In retail you have your choice: You can buy clothes at the high end Department stores, go to Ross or TJ Maxx and find the same clothes at close-out prices, find similar items with off brand names for a crapload cheaper at Old Navy, Target or WalMart.   These are your choices.  The range of prices goes from 100 dollars to 5 dollars depending on where and what.  That is true competition.  Car dealers are the same.  What you get for equivalent dollars at one place may not be the same speed wise, luxury wise, etc, but it's still a vehicle that gets you from point A to Point B.   Have you shopped for health insurance?  I have, and trust me there is little difference in price whatsoever.   The Health insurance industry has evolved into a money making machine for stockholders; that's it.   The customer has to pay so much more out of pocket it makes one ask "why do I need insurance anyway?"   If I have to pay 5K out of pocket on top of a monthly premium before the Insurance Company pays a dime, then why pay the Insurance Company?  Right?  You have to because the Doctors are all in bed with the Insurance Co's.   If you don't have insurance, Doctors treat you like you have the freaking plague and need to be put down.  No competition, no free market there.  They have you by the short hairs and they know it.  It's like the Oil Companies.  Gas prices fluctuate depending on what City/Area of the World you are in, but within your town, there's not that much difference.  It's an industry that raises and lowers their prices on a whim, and come up with creative and mind blowing reasons as to why.  Not a free market, not even close.  I'd have more respect for the Tea Baggers if they actually were for a better Government, but they aren't.  Hell their Keynote Speaker was Sorehead Palin for Christsakes!!!  C'mon folks, that bitch is a joke.

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