Thursday, May 17, 2007

Animal Update

The Vet says Panther is doing good. It was a bladder infection and her being in heat caused it to become worse than it should have been. He's going to give us some antibiotics and possibly suggest we change her diet (Cath will have to talk to him today). Pumpkin decided to venture into the house last night. Cathy left the door open to see if he would. He wondered in and started sniffing around then headed straight for our room and under out bed. The bed in our room and the matching bedroom Suite came with the house. The couple bought it, and basically slept on it for a month or so before they decided to move. So we got a house plus a brand new King Size bed and really nice bedroom Suite. Pumpkin must have recognized the bed because he stayed under there a bit. He was definitely familiar with the house.

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