Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Home Ownership: Does it ever end????

My Wife Cathy and I were commenting last night about why Mortgages are 30 years long; you need that much time to get the house looking like you want it. Even if you buy a brand new house, there are still things that you don't like, or want to do to it to make it uniquely yours. Our house is 30+ years old. It isn't the typical Tennessee "Ranch" style house (basically a big wide rectangle.....boring). It has interesting lines, and you can see which parts were add ons and where the original parts were. In our attic for instance is a TV Aerial antena, it is mounted to the attic floor as if that were part of the original roof. You can also see the frame of what once was the outside's now our living room. That would explain the vaulted ceilings. The house has siding on it except for Olivia's room; that's brick. So far we have gotten rid of as much of the hideous wallpaper we could (wallpaper that when it was put up, didn't have the old paper taken down first. They just papered over the old crap.) and discovered that there is about 5 layers of old crap underneath it!!! Still have to paint the kitchen, but we've finished the dining room and living room. The master bath has been retiled, but we still need to put in our new sink (we need to get some dry wall to cover a square hole that was cut into the wall when the old vanity was in there...........) it's a pedastool sink and we've just got a new faucet for it, so very soon it will be in. I will let you know how many runs to Lowes I had to do because we forgot something. Eventually we are going to rip up the carpet and put down hardwood floors (or the pergo type stuff.....) because we both hate carpet and think hardwood is nicer. We may tile the entire hallway and blend it into the tile we use in Liv's bathroom. We will probably keep carpets in the bedrooms for now (although I'd like to put hardwood in them too.) Sheesh!!! It never ends huh? Last night when I got home from work began the assault on the offending trees; thank God Mount Juliet has a City run Chipper Service that comes by every now and again and hauls off your branches for nothing. One day those offending trees will become mulch for the park or hamster bedding. As you can tell, I got to use my new chainsaw yesterday. Me like the chainsaw!!!!! Having never used one before, we started off on the small trees before tackling the evil Crabapple tree of Doom (cue scary music). The two trees we killed last night were the ones in our backyard that drive us nuts. These things are actually bushes that were allowed to grow as tall as they could. Instead of one trunk, you have a dozen all weaving about each other looking like some gnarly tree from the area around Yoda's house on Dagobah. Holy crap but we have two huge piles of branches for the chipper guy. Our across the street neighbor Bobby (older retired guy) noticed and chuckled a bit. He commented on just how busy we were and we were discussing home ownership. He said "You've got to do what you've got to do. Those things will take over and they are just a nuissance.". Then he commented on the joys of Home Ownership and how you never seem to be done doing stuff to the house; and he's lived in his for 32 years!!!! All in all though, I don't mind because I can say "it's my house and I'll do what I want to it", and that's a good feeling.

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