Friday, August 31, 2007

Wanted: For the Murder of a Goldfish

Look at that sweet little face above. It's the face or a KILLER!!!! My wonderful, and extremely lucky, Step-Daughter decided to play the ping pong ball in the jar with a Goldfish game at the County Fair about a week ago. She won twice!!! We became the owners of two Goldfish. One kacked off the next day (we had the usual burial at sea..."I comend thee to whence you came"...FLUSH!!!!) while the other survived. Off to Petsmart to procur a fishbowl and some food. Liv decided she didn't really want the fish so I adopted it. It lived a day in the bowl, and looked like it was going to make it for awhile (we figured if it lived long enough we could put it in the pond, when it ever gets finished) so we bought some of those glass beads and a little castle thing for it to hide in. The SHE discovered the bowl. Yes the sweet little Miss Panther, our Diva Kitty, discovered that she is obsessed with watching a fish swim in a bowl. She would sit on the dresser and stare for hours. She would smack the outside of the bowl when the fish moved. She even drank a bit of the water (AAGGGGGHHHH Nasy's got fish poop in it.....) and then started testing the water with THE PAW OF DOOM!!! Liv said she thought she saw a mark on the side of the fish, but I couldn't see it. Yesterday I was checking on the fish after feeding it a few minutes before and noticed it was still; very still. As in it's mouth was frozen open and it had a Panther Claw-sized hole in it's side that was bleeding. Well I called in Grissom and the team and after the evidence was in we arrested the culprit and threw her in jail. Okay I actually flushed that fish like the other and just looked at the cat and shook my head. Cats are cats. Don't you love them? They are so sweet (most of the Diva Kitty) but yet when they are in the yard and see something living that is smaller than them, they transform into some big Jungle Cat taking down a hapless Gazelle; well at least in their own little feline brains they do. We see a house cat pouncing on a bird (thanks Pumpkin....loved that little gift you left us the other day.....then they give you dirty looks when you chuck it in the trash, as if to say "but dear Human of mine, I brought you this gift of dead bird and this is the thanks I get!?!?!?!?" Ever notice they get very idignant with you.) Liv now wants to get an aquarium for her room, I suggested she get one with a real good lid. Panther is on parole and looking to kill again.

1 comment:

supergoober said...

"The Paw of Doom"....HAHA!