Saturday, July 28, 2007

Red State Part II: It Ain't all Bad

As opinionate and cranky as I come across sometimes regarding this State I've adopted, I must say that there are good things out here as well. The wildlife is amazing. Deer everywhere (not new for anyone that has lived in the Bay Area...Heck we used to watch two deer eat my across the street neighbors flowers at night in San Carlos of all places), Turkey Vultures (again not new we have those back home)...wild Turkeys(it's very funny to be driving to work and see Wild Turkeys just strolling on the sides of the road). The birds are amazing!!! Besides Blue Jays (they are a different breed out here than back home) and tons of little Finches we have Cardinals. No Cardinals back home, and seeing these little guys up close is impressive. The scarlet feathers are really a sight to see. Insect life is abundunt. Tennessee is very humid so insects thrive here. The variety of spiders I've seen is astounding. big ones, small ones....very brightly colored ones. Cicadas (sp) too. These are beetle like critters that sit in trees and talk to each other via a sound that is like those "rain sticks" they sell. You know the aboriginal instrument. And of course we can't forget Fireflys. How cool are these things. Definitely don't have these back home. There are scientific institutes that will pay you per Firefly you capture and bring to them. I think they are studying there bio-chemical lights and seeing if it can be reproduced or something. Turtles too. The lake I fish in is filled with them. Take those little pet store turtles we used to buy, and let them actually live longer than a few months and that's what you've got swimming around in the Lake. The Southern sterotype of Southern Hospitality is mostly true. Lots of friendly folks out here. Yes there are a good lot of Rednecks...but there are lots of folks with class, and manners. There are some Arts here as well. In Nashville you have the Frist Museum of the Arts. Yes, that Frist....Senator Frist....Mr. hard core, right winger but he owns an Art Museum. There is also the Parathenon, complete with a large statue of Athena. That's upstairs, the downstairs is an Art Gallery. Very cool indeed. As opposed to back home, I can afford a house out here. In a suburb that reminds me a lot of San Mateo or Belmont. Airsoft our here is's free to much cheaper can you get?? There is plenty of land to play on as well. The field I play on is 33 Acres with 30 of it playable. Nice!

Figured I'd balance the scales a bit....nothing like Karmic Equality to keep one out of Fate's sites.

Ciao for Now.

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