Tuesday, November 04, 2008

More Desperation

Yesterday as I was driving home I noticed the three Obama signs on people's front lawns were missing.  I at first thought these folks had taken them down because it was all but inevitable....well okay there is Florida to contend with but I digress....but then I noticed that all the other elections signs, Mayor, State Rep. etc, were still up.  How petty can you get?  Do these desperate morons think that taking an Obama sign off of someone's front lawn is going to make the Candidate disappear?  Or that the owner of said sign will be intimidated not to vote?   This is just petty, dumbassery at it's finest.  All your actions will do is make that person hate you, or feel sorry for you or even firmly drive them to the side of the Democratic Party.   Sorry dumbasses, you take my sign off of my lawn, then I will be less likely to vote for your guy/gal next time around because their supporters are petty assholes.  It's a sign...and removing it isn't going to change anyone's mind.   Intimidation only leads to polarization.  Someone barely leaning Democrat will only be firmly entrenched in the Party by your intimidation.   My Wife also discovered the lengths GOP folks will go to in their Desperate attempt to somehow win this election.  She works for a major Realtor Company.....not going to mention which one because there's not many that are considered "major".....and the woman that owns her Branch office in MJ and the other one in another City decided to Spam all the Realtors with Anti-Obama Emails.......one putting this Financial Crisis squarely on Carter's shoulders...which is damn funny.  Carter may have pushed the banks to make risky loans in the 70's, but Reagans "trickle down" economics didn't do squat to help and King George the 1rst didn't help much either.  Clinton left Shrub with a massive Surplus after 8 years, and we can see what Bush did with that Surplus.  This email ended with "still think this is all Bush's fault?"   Why yes, you stupid beyatch I do.  Hell we have proof that pretty much the majority of this mess we are in is because of the failed policies of the Bush Administration.  She must be a 26%er.  Still thinks Good 'ol W has done a fine job.   Her next one was about Obama and the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac people that supposedly gave him loads of cash......which is old and has been proven to be completely false and a pack of lies.   I emailed Cat back the Snopes link about it and said "if you really want to piss her off, send her this link and tell her she's passing along lies now".   What galls me is that if it was my Wife passing along Anti-McCain stuff, they'd give her so much shit.  I've never met this woman, but it just shows me her character.  She will break the rules or do things that would be considered a "no no" with anyone else just to get her way or to make others abide by her opinions.   Desperate morons like this don't realize that all you are doing is preaching to your little choir.  You aren't going to change anyone's minds with this crap.  Especially crap that has been publicly debunked time and time again.  I swear the GOP record goes like this "Socialist, Marxists, too risky, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, tax the middle class, tax and spend, redistribute the wealth, not even a citizen, secret muslim, Fannie Mae Freddie Mac, most liberal candidate ever..."  Can you please get some fresher rhetoric????  Is that possible?  Half the shit that comes out of the GOP mouth is the same debunked, recycled scare tactics that only energized your own small minded, gap-toothed, bible-thumping Core.  Maybe if John McCain would have told us what the Hell he wants to do for this Country, he may have stood a chance.   Maybe if John McCain would have actually checked the background of the running mate his GOP cronies were going to pick for him he may have stood a chance.   All I know, from McCain's own lips, that he is planning on doing for this Country is freezing spending, giving each Family 5,000 dollars to buy health insurance and giving even more tax breaks to the huge Corporations in hopes they will re-invest in America.   That's all I've heard him say.  That's his platform right there.  Barack Obama has detailed several things he wants to do to address our Country's problems.  He has told us over and over again what he wants to do, and it hasn't wavered.  People like the sound of it.......people have no clue as to how freezing spending is going to help.   So let's look at this; we have schools in dire need of cash, a health care industry that pretty much will leave most people with no choice but to die because they can't afford to get better and an economy circling the drain.   So McCain wants the Government to continue to tax the Middle Class more (as of right now, there are more Middle Class families and small businesses that pay more of a percentage of taxes than some Corporations....tell me how that's fair?) and let the Corps keep more of their profit so they can invest in sending more jobs overseas so they can increase that profit even more.  Yeah that's investing in America.  But he doesn't want to spend any of that tax money, yet somehow he's going to give each family 5K to go out and buy health insurance.....that's what a third of a years premium, and if you have a pre-existing condition good luck finding any insurance.  That doesn't solve the problem at all....Hell it's not even a band aid it's just throwing coins at beggars.  So pretty much the things the Mac said he's going to do for us won't solve anything.  I guess that's all he's go though because everything else he's said is the GOP recording of "Socialist, etc etc".  Hell even his little GOP plant Sam "Joe" the-non-licensed Plumber is a sham.  Not only is he breaking Ohio Law by doing plumbing without a license, he doesn't even know how he's going to purchase the business he was going to purchase, and I doubt highly that a one-two man Pluming operation is going to make Net Income of anywhere close to 250,000.....besides Sam the Sham was a Lawyer before he became a Non-Plumber (wonder what happened....probably disbarred...) and he owes back taxes of about 2K.  Yeah that's a real example of the "Real America".    Give it up GOP, this isn't your year.  Your boy Shrub the Cowboy screwed everything up for the past 8 years and no one wants a repeat.   They don't call him McSame for nothing you know.

1 comment:

Steve T. said...

It doesn't matter my Friend....as of today we have President Obama and all the whiny, camo wearing cousin-fuckers are just going to have to suck it up and deal. I swear I smelled Sour Grapes in the air when I walked out the door this morning, with a bounce in my step and bit of smug on my face.......