Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Movie Recommendations and TV Reviews

Just rented the following movies:
The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines
Gremlins (hey my 14 year old Step-Daughter has never seen it....)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Nim's Island

The Librarian series has two movies so far: the one I've mentioned, which is the second, and the first entitled :The Spear of Destiny or something like that. They are made for TV movies about an organization that works out of a Library that seeks out dangerous artifacts and brings them to be stored in the basement of the Library out of reach of dangerous folks. Bob Newhart and Jane Curtain are in it, as well as Noah Wylie. Entertaining stuff, rips off a lot from Indiana Jones and other movies of that ilk, but still fun.

Gremlins: Well.......what can i say, if you are as old as I am, you saw this in the theater when it came out and it was the funniest thing you saw.

Journey to the Center of the Earth: New version with Brendon Frasier and the kid (don't know his name but he's been busy) who starred in Zathura and Bridge to Tarabithia...it's not Jules Verne version, but the story references Verne's book. Apparently Verne's book wasn't fiction but the truth. I've heard that about Verne's works alot actually, and it's been the plot of alot of Verne related subjects. Case in point: in the Time Wars series by Simon Hawk, the main Temporal Terroist, Nikolai, steals a Russian Submarine and kidnaps the Time Commandos and a Scientist named Jules Verne....long before he ever wrote any of his fiction. There was also a lame Sci Fi show about Verne that hinted at the same thing. It's a great Family Movie....funny and enjoyable.

Nim's Island: Another great Family movie with the little girl from Little Miss Sunshine, Jodie Foster and Gerard Butler (and no, he doesn't yell or kill people in this movie like he did in 300).

TV shows:
Well of the new shows that started this Fall that looked good to me, only three have ranked continued viewing: The Mentalist, Eleventh Hour and Life on Mars.

I caught 3 episodes of Fringe....meh. The show had an interesting premise, but the execution of said premise is lame. The cast kind of sucks and it's just plain boring. Sorry Fox, you can't remake the X-Files and it looks like you've spent so much energy on American Idol that you forgot how to make scripted shows. Same with My Own Worst Enemy. Had promise and I like Christian Slater but it's going nowhere fast. He is a spy who has a mental block that hides his spy identiy until it is needed. When not needed he's a mild mannered married wage slave. I thought they were going to go slow with the Married guy's personality coming out when it should and it would take him awhile to find out what was going on, but they jumped right into it. His spy self leaves messages for his other self and vice-versa. It's really stalled and gotten boring. Not going anywhere fast, I give it a pass.

Mentalist: I recommend this show for the cast. Great characters and it's a great whodunnit with a twist. The main character used to be a "psychic" ala John Edwards.....the fake psychic that used to be on Sci Fi....and now he helps the FBI solve cases because he's extremely observant and can get in people's heads just by talking to them/observing them.

Eleventh Hour: Great cast again, and a great sci fi-esque whodunnit show.

Life on Mars: A cop from 2008 gets hit by a car running across the street to bust a suspect and wakes up in 1973. The cast is great. I mean you have Michael Imperioli (Chrissy from the Sopranos) and Harvey Keitel. It's like watching an old cop show from the 70's and the fish out of water aspect is great. At first you weren't sure if the main character was in a coma, but recent episodes have verified that he is.

Now for a bit of a slam on my once Favorite show: Heroes is going downhill fast. This season I thought you were going to see a sort of Justice League vs Legion of Doom......almost happened once, and it looks like it's going to happen again, but the story in between that's been leading up to it has been really lame. You know you're stalling when you do a Flashback show. It better get better quick or it won't be back next year.


supergoober said...

Same here with Heroes. They're isn't any mystery anymore...and that killed the show. Mystery has been replaced with transparency. Its become too transparent...kinda in the way Lucas revealed the inner workings of the FORCE, which was a terribly bad idea. With the Mystery gone, the show is dying.

I've heard it has something to do with one of the original writer/producers leaving to produce "Pushing Daisies". They've begged him to return and he will, but apparently, they're running into some contractual shit, so who knows.

Steve T. said...

I hear there was either a spin-off show of Life on Mars or a continuation but with a different name. I wish American TV would do like the Brits sometime....this is a 2 season show, that's it. The comedy Worst Week Ever in England was literally 7 weeks long....that's it. It was the build up to the wedding. Then there was a spin off/continuation that was 14 weeks long because it was about the honeymoon. It wasn't the mystery being taken away that bugged me about Heroes this season, it was some of the lameness....Mohinder turning into an Alien mutant or whatever....meh...I'm glad we are getting the Hero teams finally...look they may not wear spandex, but dammit the good ones need to square off with the evil ones in a collateral damage inducing, 10 block swath of destruction throwdown. Like any good Champions game....