Monday, November 10, 2008

Open Letter to Al Davis

Dear Clueless McGinnty,
You are cordially invited to pull your head out of your ass and go die; please.   You have made a Mockery of the once great Oakland Raider football franchise and we the die hard fans have had enough.  Coaches usually get fired when the don't win for long periods of time, and they usually are allowed to...wait for it....COACH!!!!  You know, given an opportunity to control the team.  That's what a Head Coach does.  If the Head Coach wants to fire the Defensive Coordinator because the Defense sucks; you let him.  That ass is still coaching and the Defense still sucks.  Oh, I forgot Al, he is really good at kissing your wrinkled old man ass...after he helps change your Depends that is..... You sir have no clue anymore what football is about.  Hello, Al?  This is the 1960's calling and we'd like to tell you that football has changed just a tad.  You were pissed when Kifkin got rid of Moss...guess what, Moss sucks.  He didn't do crap for the team and he sure isn't helping out in New England now is he.  JaMarcus Russell is a good QB, but when the O-line is like a giant sieve it's hard for the man to do his job.  Watched about 2 minutes of the Panthers/Raiders game yesterday.  I had to turn it off.  If you can't see that you are screwing up the team Al, then there is no hope for the future of your franchise.  I mean the Raiders used up all three time outs in the FIRST QUARTER!!?!?!?!?!  Who does that?  Did you not see that happen Al?  Or was some sycophant blowing sunshine up your ass to the point where those oversized 70's glasses you wear were getting rosier and rosier....
In closing, please sell the team.  Seriously Sell the team or sit down, count your cash and STFU and let some qualified people run it.  If you can't do that, then please hurry up and die so someone can.  
A Disgusted Raider Fan.


supergoober said...

Dude, the Raiders will continue to suck until Al Davis DIES. Hate to be so morbid, but its the truth. He loves position players but can't bring himself to draft/sign O-line Gallery...and you'd think he'd tell himself, "Wow, that pick turned out! We should do MORE of that!"...but NO. He wants flash and speed and skill players. He just can't help himself dude.

Wayfarer said...

What Supergoober said... plus, this rant is about 7 years overdue. I think Davis should be forced to sell the team.

Of course, that would mean that they leave Oakland, you realize. The Bay Area is too small a market to support two losing football teams, especially when the fans don't support one of them with ticket sales (ie, the Raiders).

Steve T. said...

Hey they can always send them back to LA......oh wait...LA doesn't want football for some strange reason. Actually Sacramento would be a good place because a lot of Raider Fans live up there....